2023-07-11 Developers Deep Dive - CORE-MIS
Date: 2023-07-11
Objective: Sprint 4 Review
@Uwe Wahser
@Artur Lebiedziński
@Damian Borowiecki
@Wojciech Zgliniecki (Deactivated)
@Jan Dołkowski
@Kamil Malinowski
@Piotr Kabelis (Deactivated)
@Seweryn Niedzielski
@Oliver Lewandowski
Artur has stated the 4th Sprint review.
4th Sprint review summary:
My Tasks
Data updates for benefit plan
User groups management
Core Tasks
My Tasks view
UI adjustments
Roles management in Groups
OpenSearch integration
User Guides for Custom Filters and Data updates
Not completed
General calculation rule for Benefit Plan
Payment Layer adjustment
Actual roadmap
SolDevelo team will focus only on payments and some adjustments/fixes by the end of the project
SolDevelo will create all needed documentation for the project (including user guides and technical one)
Data updates for benefit plans - presented by Kamil
UI adjustments - presented by Damian
What shall we do with the changes on UI that we’ve done recently (logo, vertical menu etc.)?
to verify if it’s possible to configure how the UI should look like so the openIMIS users will still have the current UX from openIMIS and CORE-MIS users’ll have the UX from CORE-MIS
simple configuration of UI should be feasible
determine if there exists a convenient way to modify the CSS styles, such as altering base colors and more
Whole sprint scope was not presented due to discussion on UI configuration and modules cooperability.
Action items
create a list of what was changed in UI and then we’ll clarify what has to be changable, ideally with the description what how it was changed @Damian Borowiecki @Artur Lebiedziński
create a diagram to sum up how to modules cooperate with each other in business matter @Patrick Delcroix
Additional resources
Did you encounter a problem or do you have a suggestion?
Please contact our Service Desk
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