2023-05-16 Developers Deep Dive - CORE-MIS



Date: 2023-05-16

Objective: Discussion regarding Bonn workshop, agenda and targeting module


  • Artur

  • Damian

  • Seweryn

  • Kamil

  • Malike

  • Andrea

  • @Uwe Wahser



  1. Showing what need to be done for delivering packages of coreMIS-openIMIS integration.

  2. Determine timeline and roadmap for delivering all packages

  3. First sprint scope


openIMIS - CORE-MIS integration Deep Dive 16/05/2023

Action items


  • user story needs to be clarified

    • how does the status of a beneficiary affect the household status? is this scheme dependant?

      • depends on the programme/scheme → needs to be configurable per scheme

  • What kind of documentation we will be able to deliver?

    • The team needs to discuss it internally to make sure we can deliver us much documentation as we can without loosing the scope

  • Is it possible to get an instruction to setup and configure openIMIS system?

    • will need to work on intermediary integration scenarios of a hybrid openIMIS-CORE-MIS implementation: e.g. demo server, installation instructions


Additional resources


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