2023-04-25 Developers Deep Dive - CORE-MIS



Date: 2023-04-25

Objective: Discussion regarding beneficiary module integration approach


  • Artur

  • Dominika

  • Damian

  • Seweryn

  • Kamil

  • Malike

  • Seweryn

  • Yolande


  • The best suitable approach for now is to map beneficiaries from coreMIS to insuree module in OpenIMIS. We can use insuree module logic so logic of beneficiaries doesn’t have to be migrated. Listing management can stay on coreMIS legacy for now.

  • As a next step we can start planning on how to map beneficiaries with insurees.

  • After migrating Beneficiaries to Insuree module, we should focus on payments plan based and claim based benefits.

  • We can focus on data cleaning module and targeting module later one more important functionalities are working well.

  • Malike did a brief showcase of payment module, cycle and rebates.

Action items

  • @Damian Borowiecki @Seweryn Niedzielski to conduct the spike of payment module in coreMIS and compare it with openIMIS

  • @malike to send payments module requirements



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