2019-05-29 PossibleHealth:Dependencies Tracking : meeting 3

2019-05-29 PossibleHealth:Dependencies Tracking : meeting 3


May 29, 2019


  • @laxman manandhar

  • @Xavier Gillmann (Unlicensed)

  • @Kamil Madej (Deactivated)

  • @Dipak Thapa

  • @Deepak Neupane

  • @suruchi dhungana

  • @Arkadiusz Lalo

Discussion topics

  1. Login api

    1. curl -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' -u "{userLogin}:{userPassword}"
      Vs curl --user {user:pwd}

    2. Is authentication to openimis/api and same ?

    3. in fact the fhir module will be behind the gateway.

  2. Https configuration for openimis

    1. Where do we need to change the change the configuration for https support?

  3. Demo db setups in openimis dev machine.

    1. Demo Database restored in dev machine

  4. New development changes deployment in dev environment

    1. Deploying openimis-be-api_fhir_py

    2. Easier to use published version : done

  5. FHIR API and resources

    1. Insuree exposed for now

    2. Next plan for health facility, location

  6. claim request/response in progress.- Early to discuss

    1. any idea for time estimate for completing this? : end of june ,

    2. claimcode / claimcategory

  7. Process of tracking of claims-status(Can it be addressed by the Fhir task?)

  8. How to submit different types of claim, like a dental, pharmacy? should that be always categorized as dental, pharmacy etc. ?

  9. Eligibility request response - Early to discuss

    1. any workplan or time estimate?

    2. First claim/tracking of claims ,and then will be go for Eligibility coverage

  10. Claim reprocessing -Early to discuss

    1. In case of any errors

    2. In case of partially approved claims due to some reason.



Action items


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Please contact our Service Desk

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