File importer
create a module that enable to export using excel a database table and can also import it back
Django import / export — django-import-export 4.3.6.dev8 documentation
the "id" or isureeid mandatory, head of familly should be created first, head fields will be specified of each line and must be empty for the head
Fields exported/imported
head_insuree_number : str - empty for head
insuree_number: str
first_name: str
other_name: str
dob: date - integer (unix) or YYYY-MM-DD
sex: char - M/F/O
village: str : code or name
municipality: str : code or name
district: str : code or name
region: str : code or name
regenerate_insuree_id (optionnal) : bool
photo (optionnal) : b64 encoded
0- validate
0.1 - all location, return fail if a single one is wrong, enrich the list with the location id
0.2 - look for duplicates within the list
0.3- look for already used insuree id (regenerate_insuree_id is null or false)
1- extract the list of the head of family (i.e. head_insuree_number__is_null)
2- create familly if not exist
3- enrich the list of insuree with the family id
4- save insuree
price list
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