Offline usages
In some context internet access is either not reliable or not available therefore “offline mode“ is often require for enrollment or claiming.
So far the scheme management, claim review and health financing should be done on the master server for a given area. In most of the case it it better to define the central server as master server to be able to manage cross area (Claim from area 2 HF for an insuree from area 1 )
In Legacy there were 3 offline entry points:
Android claim app:
features: work by downloading METADATA (Locations, Claim admins, HF, Product, items / services … ), can inquire insuree coverage, then claim can be added with items and services
Status: Maintained but might need a refactoring
Migration Status: Not compatible with Modular, needs the C# API
Android policy app:
features: work by downloading METADATA (Locations, Officers, HF, Product, ), can inquire insuree coverage, then insuree can be registered (assigned an insurance number) and enrolled into a policy)
Status: Maintained but might need a refactoring
Migration Status: Not compatible with Modular, needs the C# API
WebApp offline mode
features: almost as the legacy app for enrolment and claiming; scheme management, claim review and health financing could be done ONLY if all the HF for a given location are managed by the server, it has limitation when it comes to claims from insuree coming from another area: those actions are better done on the main central server
Status: not maintained
Migration Status: Not migrated
An ideal solution
Allow to enter claim:
Create claim capability based on authority
HF based on user
Items and services based on HF price lists
Allow to register new insuree
location based on user
Create insuree capability based on authority
Allow to enrol insuree in a policy
location based on user
Create policy capability based on authority
Create contribution capability based on authority
Create payment capability based on authority
Price calculation based on rules from server
work on smartphone (Android)
be able to sync via internet
work on computers (laptop/desktop)
be able to sync via secured file exchange
Use FHIR data structure for local storage and transfers
work on smartphone (OS?/Windows?) and computers (laptop/desktop/chromebook?)
Technical approach:
The propose technical approach is based on FHIR
the resource have an Identifier section which is a list of identifier object
the identifier object has a system parameter, and a code
the proposal is to enable the definition of the system (does not have to be resolvable) naming convention to be defined ? use of apikey name ?
all the references inside FHIR payload should use the system like system/resource/id
Sync steps:
2- generate a new id (UUID) if conflict and new matching identifier (system = FGQN of the TO server) will be added on the resource identifier list
3- upon saving, the reference should be translated to ID of the main server (based on the identifier with the remote system )
Sync Back steps
When loading the data, the local server will do the same as the main server (same resource will have different id on different server) BUT the search should enable the usage if the system
task to do:
properly support identifier in openimis resource (Json_ext ?)
implement the sync
implement the search
for the next