Wiki Target Structure [Draft]

Wiki Target Structure [Draft]



KickOff / Brief overview this Page
Find a time slot for weekly documentation-call
Define and agree on Todos


openIMIS Wiki Spaces

openIMIS Product

openIMIS User

openIMIS Implementers

openIMIS Development

openIMIS Community



Empathize - Research Your Users' Needs to build a product that is relevant for people
Goal: Enable users to use the product “openIMIS” by providing easy access to information (and contribution?)
List users of openIMIS as a product
Examples (End-User, oI Coordination-Desk / Product Owner, oI Maintainer, Funder, Software Developer, Scheme-Operator (CEO), Scheme-Implementer (CIO/CTO), )
Name, Age, Foto, Occuptation, Location (totally fictional of course)
Why are we interested in them / Why are they interested in us
Goals (What does the person want to archieve by using our service?)
Behaviours (What else does the person do?)
Priority (Primary and (supporting) Secondary)
Quality Check Personas
Whos responsibility are they?
What overlaps do exist?
Do we consider special needs (accessibility, disabilities, demographic differences) ?
Assign 1-2 primary personas and some secondary personas to each entitity of the following structure - Describe every entitiy with one or two sentences that could appear on their start page
openIMIS Product
openIMIS Development
openIMIS Community
“openIMIS User”
Consider testing of the structure e.g. by getting user feedback


  • Should we have Target-Group-specific Top-nodes?

    • Aren’t there any overlaps?

    • Every top-node would need to explain it’s specific purpose on its main page



Did you encounter a problem or do you have a suggestion?

Please contact our Service Desk

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