Documentation Taskforce
Documentation Taskforce
Review and delete finished Work Items
Discuss Future Improvements and agree on next Work Items
Work Items
Release 2022-10 / Completely mark off all todos on Checklist for Release 2022-10
Collecting (writing) documentation
Insuree batch
Insuree self registration (from Nepal)
Add epics and include features/fixes on release page
Quick check sandbox
Include logo on the wikipedia page (what copyright shall we use?)
Installation Guide (IG):
Move all relevant content under “Installation Guide” (Remove redundancy)
Lower the complexity (number of pages)
Separate installation guide of legacy content
Separate installation guide of localization / customization
Simplify navigation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0nhczKMHhw needs a description and a link to the (details of the) IG
Embedd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0nhczKMHhw into the new IG
Harmonize instructions in the IG, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0nhczKMHhw and on GitHub
STPH: Do Post-Release of Release 2022-10
STPH: Installation Guide (Video) / One-Click-Install / Step-by-Step-Instructions
Merge existing YT playlists openIMIS Installation and Country Localization Session 1 +2
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWKJKsJBiT3I0kPxDEjiOpT6_sX01pl3Q is called “Legacy openIMIS Web Application installation tutorials” on Installation Guide
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWKJKsJBiT3LlFCac1D7yQqj-AbSGD4ic is called “Legacy openIMIS Web Application customisation tutorials” on Installation Guide
Playlists can’t simply be merged but will need to be reorganized (separate legacy content from the rest)
French version of Docker Installation Guide
Update Installation Guide to focus on “Modular” (put “Legacy” at the end)
Rewire/reembedd youtube content for modular installation
Add further services to https://stats.uptimerobot.com/k7kyZik8w8
UpdateTimeRobot Notifications on discord → Demo-Server
Others (Dev, Release, etc.) needed?
Talking Points Installation Guide
Docker Installation Video is not embedded in the IG
Define Requirements of the IG
Is Simple and complete - Can be followed without knowing the tools
Is fully documented on one platform (Wiki) and free of redundancies
Works (= is tested) in all supported scenarios (e.g. platforms, OS version, databases)
Installation with Docker
Version update guide
Version upgrade guide Legacy → Modular / MS SQL → PostgreSQL (DeepDive)
Focus on standard installation (Linux (Debian-based) 64-bit, (specific version with LTS), PostgreSQL)
Community Installation Blog with individual installation experiences (Maybe as part of https://openimis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/3001057322 in https://openimis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/3000664081)
Windows etc.
Multi-OS (Windows, Linux, 32/64 Bit, including a reasonable range of versions) capable
Multi-DB (MS SQL, PostgreSQL) capable
Multilanguage capable
Minimum Requirements are documented
Legacy Installation Guide is exluded and/or archived
Future outlook of deployment / installations
Future Improvements
Dedicated page for each module under https://openimis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/589561955 (with Page Properties, descriptions/basic explanation, version history - Based on release notes pages?)
Clarify wording module / component / repository - Define and document for example “Claim AI” from different perspectives - “Claim AI” Module contains the Components “Claim AI BE” and “Claim AI FE” “?
openIMIS Feature: One-Click-Installation with selection of modules instead of installing components one by one / Define Standard-Installation
Rethink grouping of components on https://openimis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/3211395073 according to Modules ->
Update Installation Guides (Docker and Non-Docker)
Dependency Graph for modules / consistent dependency information in https://openimis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/3294756865
Reevaluate “Testing openIMIS” on https://openimis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/3294756865
Consider “Legacy” modules as “Deprecated” on https://openimis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/3294756865
https://openimis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/3211395073 Reevaluate redundant information in “Highlights” and “Release Notes”
Combine https://openimis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/1322221610 / https://openimis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/3211395073 , https://openimis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/368345128 and https://openimis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/368508929/https://openimis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/3294756865 to reduce structural redundancy and confusion
Clarify wording redundancy “openIMIS …” for components, modules, wiki pages, etc.
, multiple selections available,
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