Data Collection and Intake Module (SR)

Data Collection and Intake Module (SR)

Associated Requirements:


The Data Collection and Intake Module is a crucial component of the Social Registry (SR), designed to facilitate the comprehensive and efficient gathering of information about potential beneficiaries. Its primary purpose is to ensure accurate, inclusive, and user-friendly data collection across various channels and contexts.

Key components include:

  1. Disability Status Tracker: Manages information related to disabilities.

  1. Financial Information component: Handles sensitive financial data.

  1. Registration Interface: Provides various tools for data collection and registration.

  1. Standardized Questionnaire Engine: Ensures consistent and adaptable data collection.

  1. Data Import/Export: Manages bulk data operations and dataset integration.


  • Disability Status Tracker

    • Disability Information Management (SR-005, Core): Captures and manages disability status information with the ability to update and track changes over time.

  • Financial Information component

    • Secure Financial Data Storage (SR-006, Optional): Implements a secure module for storing and managing beneficiaries' financial transaction details including bank account information.

  • Registration Interface

    • Bulk Data Uploader (SR-020, Core): Allows for bulk data upload through Excel or CSV files for existing datasets, supporting secure file transfer and data validation.

    • Document Scanner (SR-034, Optional): Supports the capture and storage of scanned documents as part of the registration process.

    • Form Customization Tool (SR-035, Optional): Provides a feature for administrators to quickly create and customize registration forms without extensive development cycles.

    • Identity Data Collector (SR-037, Optional): Aligns data collection forms and processes with the identity data requirements of the national ID system.

    • Inclusive Registration Tool (SR-038, Optional): Facilitates registration of informal sector workers and hard-to-reach populations.

    • Multi-Channel Registration System (SR-040, Core): Implements a system that supports registration and data updates through multiple channels including online portals, mobile apps, USSD, and in-person at service centers.

    • Multilingual Form Generator (SR-042, Optional): Supports the creation and management of registration forms in multiple languages.

    • Offline Data Collection (SR-044, Optional): Provides capability for offline data collection in areas with limited connectivity, with automatic synchronization when connection is restored.

  • Standardized Questionnaire Engine

    • Adaptive Questionnaire System (SR-045, Optional): Implements an Adaptive Questionnaire System with APIs that allow external data collection tools to dynamically adjust questions based on previous responses.

    • Configurable Assessment Module (SR-046, Optional): Assesses the needs and conditions of registrants using configurable methodologies.

User Journey:

  1. Users: Potential beneficiaries, field workers, program administrators

  1. Process: Data collection, registration, needs assessment

  1. Business Process:

    1. User accesses the registration interface through preferred channel

    2. Completes the registration form, potentially using adaptive questionnaires

    3. Uploads necessary documents or provides financial information if required

    4. System verifies identity and performs initial eligibility checks

    5. Data is stored securely and synchronized with the central system

    6. User receives confirmation of registration and next steps

Links to other modules:

This module plays a critical role in ensuring comprehensive and accurate data collection, which forms the foundation for effective social protection program management and service delivery.

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