2021-07-29 Developers Deep Dive Call
Date: 29.07.2021
Objective: Weekly space for deep dive topics
Participants: (kindly only add your own names, not those of other participants)
@Uwe Wahser
Topic Proposals:
QR code / smart health cards (SHC)
Presentations / Attachments
possible offline auth payload
SHC : SMART Health Cards
Offline authentication
CHIFID (=Insuree Number/Code) in barcode - QRcode : just avoid type CHFID
reduce typing errors
can be provided during enrolment before synchronization
can be preprinted to assure the uniqueness
no validation
can record manually a hash on the card that can be manually entered in system to validate the Policy Activation
text must be protected again scratches/water …
no coverage information
CHFID + coverage
need validation : Sign message with RSA
has to be provided after the enrolment synchronization
can validate Policy is activated
cannot be preprinted
need patient data
need coverage data
need policy to be activated
no information about the limits and remaining “budget“ on the policy
quite detailed QRCODE can be challenge to print.
fraud detection
signature RSA ?
NFC/Smartcard card
limitation on memory space => limit information you store there
need reader but lots of phone have
cost card
number preprinted
data can be updated (coverage)
photo in memory???
technical hardware standards? do we need to develop a driver for X potential systems?
phones and apps on phones should be relatively easy (though lots of systems)
printing to different NFC cards is standard (link to definitions?)
lots of differences in features / security features
fraud detection
signature RSA ?
locked card ?
easy to access with any type of phone
doesn’t need data communication => work offline
can validate Policy and Coverage
requires GSM coverage
SMS cost
fraud detection
controlled by the system
Calls (call center)
cannot take load
fraud detection
need a proof that the call was done (confirmation number)
insuree mobile app
no support
more data / picture / several qrcode / version
data transfert paid by insuree
Fraud detection
signature RSA
Insuree needs smartphone
needs to be for Android and IPhone (hybrid app?)
Questions - Challenges - Issues
next steps:
contact OpenHIE identity group
schedule follow up calls
Next meeting (05.08.2021):
Testing scenarios
offline / distributed scenarios (metadata, policy and claims)
Beyond Health
Accounting / Payment layer
Additional Resources
Did you encounter a problem or do you have a suggestion?
Please contact our Service Desk
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