WA6.1 Bulk uploads from Web Application user interface
openIMIS components: Web Application v1.3.0 and later.
Implementation roles required: IMIS Administrator, Scheme Administrator
Implementation-related information can be configured in different ways. The user documentation explains bulk upload/download functionality of in general. In this page, we give examples of register files that can use by the functionality.
The bulk upload/download functionality can be accessed through the menu Tools → Registers.
Upload diagnoses
Because the diagnoses list can be quite long, the configuration of the diagnoses in openIMIS Web Application can be done only by uploading the list encoded as an XML document.
DTD definition of the XML file for uploading/downloading of diagnoses is:
<!DOCTYPE Diagnoses [
<!ELEMENT Diagnoses (Diagnosis*)>
<!ELEMENT Diagnosis (DiagnosisCode, DiagnosisName)>
<!ELEMENT DiagnosisCode (#CDATA)>
<!ELEMENT DiagnosisName (#CDATA)>
An example of an XML file that uses and conforms to this DTD follows.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DiagnosisName>Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers</DiagnosisName>