Developer Starter Kit

Developer Starter Kit


Overview module: Conceptual Software Architecture & used frameworks and standards


  • provide a general understanding on how the (new) modular architecture works, distinction between frontend and backend, what are ‘modules’

  • brief recap of used standards (GraphQL, …) and frameworks (django, graphene, React,…) and pointers to existing resources on the web to use as reference


source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdmsB7CFEhY

Backend - 1: Setup backend development environment and create a new (basic) module


  • provide a sample (autonomous) development tools setup (venv, pycharm, MSQ-SQL in docker,…)

  • get up and running and create a new module, connected to the database (new model, with django migration,….)

  • exposing the entities for GraphQL queries and mutations

Supportive material

Project folder at end of video: (except for venv folder that is too large)



source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG6qa7Dr6PE

Backend - 2: Features in a ‘real life’ backend module


  • access rights enforcement

  • module dependencies (for GraphQL but also event-based communications between modules)

  • i18n in backend

  • unit-testing


source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wODb0ro0QdE

Backend - 3: Batch processing and reports


  • triggering (scheduling) a batch processing (python service) and following (monitoring) its execution

  • generating a pdf with country-customizable template


source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4otgHhQZWJk

Frontend-1: Setup frontend development environment and create a new (basic) module


  • provide a sample (autonomous) development tools setup (yarn, visual code,…)

  • get up and running and create a new module (+ i18n), with a main menu entry and connected to the backend (GraphQL queries,…)

Supportive material

Code written in the video (openimis-fe-my_module_js):


source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xkeysjnW3A

Frontend-2: Features in a ‘real life’ frontend module


  • Pagination

  • Mutation (and events & PublishedComponents)

  • Contributions

  • JSON - extensible models

Supportive material

Code written in the video (openimis-fe-my_module_js):


source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRtRoJPt1Lw


Workshop with BlueSquare

CANCELLED - We are organizing a workshop on November 19th from 10am to 12 Brussels time to further the knowledge transfer and answer remaining questions.

As we did not receive any questions in the comments section, we decided to cancel this workshop.

We are aware that support may be needed, so we will reach out to you in the days ahead how to use this time the best and answer any further questions you may have.

Although the event was cancelled, an informal list of questions have been answered as prolongation of the developpers weekly meeting: 2020-11-19 : Developer training material Q&A


Did you encounter a problem or do you have a suggestion?

Please contact our Service Desk

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/