Test Data Generation

Test Data Generation

General information

Each openIMIS module can provide scripts that automatically generate test data with some different patterns to fill the database with a certain amount of data.

Since these scripts are only intended for special test installations and for security purpose, they can only be run from the command line.

Note for developers: do not forget to add a __init__.py file into your commands folder or the commands will not be available when installing the module from pypi.org

Insuree module

The insuree module has a custom Django command generateinsurees that can generate any number of insurees, along with their family and an optional active policy.


The Faker module must be installed (see dev-requirements).


The generateinsurees syntax is the following:

generateinsurees <number_of_families> <number_of_members_in_each_family> [--policy] [--verbose] [--locale=<locale_name>]

  • <number_of_families>: the number of families that must be generated. Mandatory.

  • <number_of_members_in_each_family>: the number of extra family members - on top of the family head - that should be added to the existing family. Mandatory.

  • [--policy]: (optional) creates an active policy for this family.

  • [--verbose]: (optional) writes in the standard output what the script is doing.

  • [--locale=<locale_name>]: (optional) creates insurees with names that sound like typical names from the country represented by <locale_name>. The list of available locales is available here. A locale can only be used if the faker.providers.person entry is present in the list.

Each generated insuree will have a randomly generated chf_id (code).


openimis-be_py/openIMIS (openimis-venv) ❯ python manage.py generateinsurees 4 2 --policy --locale=fr_BE

The above command will generate 4 families of 3 members (2 members + 1 head), with an active policy, with Belgian French names.

Similarly, with verbose output and Nepalese locale:

openimis-be_py/openIMIS (openimis-venv) ❯ python manage.py generateinsurees 5 1 --locale=ne_NP --verbose 1 created head insuree and family शिखा राजकर्णिकार 151523265 Created family member 1 सानु 2 created head insuree and family उषा सुनुवार 767839402 Created family member 1 उम्मेद 3 created head insuree and family गोविन्द महर्जन 182442233 Created family member 1 डा. 4 created head insuree and family आयुषा श्रेष्ठ 165451952 Created family member 1 स्वेच्‍छा 5 created head insuree and family निम्मी शाह 376845104 Created family member 1 श्रद्धा

Claim module


The claim module has a custom Django command generateclaims that can generate any number of claims, along with their services and items.


The generateclaims syntax is the following:

generateclaims <number_of_claims> <number_of_services_in_each_claim> <number_of_items_in_each_claim> [--verbose]

  • <number_of_claims>: the number of claims that must be generated. Each claim will be generated with a random code. Mandatory.

  • <number_of_services_in_each_claim>: the number of services that should be included in each claim. These services are selected randomly among the existing ones, with a random price ([1 ; 1000]) and a random quantity ([1 ; 10]). Mandatory.

  • <number_of_items_in_each_claim>: the number of items that should be included in each claim. These items are selected randomly among the existing ones, with a random price ([1 ; 1000]) and a random quantity ([1 ; 10]). Mandatory.

  • [--verbose]: (optional) writes in the standard output what the script is doing.


openimis-be_py/openIMIS (openimis-venv) ❯ python manage.py generateclaims 4 2 0 --verbose

The above command will generate 4 claims, each of which will have 2 services and no item. The generation process will be displayed in the standard output.




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