Configuration items for specific openIMIS solutions
List of UI elements that could be configured for a package.
Configuration Property | Module | Description | Example | |
1 |
| Controls access to the Public Page of the OpenIMIS App. When enabled, any module can contribute a Public Page using the `core.PublicPage` contribution point. The Public Page will then be accessible via the /front path. Default: | Moldova’s Landing: GitHub - openimis/openimis-fe-moldova_landing_js: The openIMIS Frontend Moldova Landing Page reference module |
2 |
| Determines whether to render the Journal sidebar or not. IMPORTANT: The Journal provides crucial information about the state of mutations, including whether they succeeded or failed. If you choose to hide it, you must ensure the user is informed of the mutation outcome - consider using toast notifications. Default: | Moldova’s Voucher Management System |
3 |
| This setting enhances the visibility of disabled input fields (e.g., text/number inputs, date pickers). When enabled, the label color changes to `#181716`, and the input value color to `#5E5B50`. Default: | Moldova’s Voucher Management System
4 |
| Specifies whether the individual should be classified and managed as a worker or a standard insuree. In Moldova, the Insuree entity is also used to represent workers. When set to true, the system displays 'Workers and Vouchers' menu instead of the default 'Insurees and Policies', aligning the interface with the specific needs of worker representation. Default: | Moldova’s Voucher Management System
5 |
| Determines how to display the navigation. If set to true, the menu looks like Sidebar and is aligned to the left. Default: | CoreMIS
6 |
| If enabled, clicking on question mark icon will take you to coreMIS confluence page. Default: | CoreMIS |
7 |
| Position of the currency for the AmountInput. Choices are `start` and `end`. By default: | - |
8 |
| Threshold to limit the number of items in the auto suggestions (adding 'more options...' message). By default: | - |
9 |
| In the specified configuration, when the parameter is set to true, it necessitates that users are associated with an Economic Unit. If a user lacks this association, a modal will be displayed to prompt them to establish it. Until the user is linked to a unit, their only authorized action is to log out. By default: | Moldova’s Voucher Management System |
10 |
| When activated, routes the user to the SAML logout page for secure session termination. By default: | Moldova’s Voucher Management System |
11 |
| If enabled, redirects users to the saml login page, facilitating access to mPass-protected resources. By default: | Moldova’s Voucher Management System |
12 |
| Page size when loading (historical) mutations. By default: |
13 |
| Poll interval (in ms) to check for mutation status once submitted .By default: | - |
14 |
| Poll interval (in ms) to send the ping to legacy openIMIS (to prevent session timeout). By default: | - |
15 |
| Use ?dyn=<Base64-URL> when opening in new tab (prevent sending client-side routes to server while). Default: | - |
16 |
| Enable calendar switcher toggle on the navbar of the webpage. Currently supports nepali calendar. Default | Nepali Instance |
17 |
| Formatting options for second calendar (both picker and display), default: | Nepali Instance |
18 |
| Formatting language for second calendar (when displayed as saved data, not in pickers), default: | Nepali Instance |
19 |
| Type of secondary calendar picker (if enabled), default | Nepali Instance |
20 |
| Locale for secondary calendar picker (if enabled). By default: | Nepali Instance |
21 |
| Array with possible configuration options for password generator, default: | - |
22 |
| Determines the debounce time. By default: | - |
23 |
| Determines how many chars do we need to enter to invoke query (Autocomplete). By default: | - |
24 |
| Determines the debounce time. By default: | - |
25 |
| Pagination page size options in Batch Searcher component. By default: | - |
26 |
| Pagination pre-selected page size options in Batch Searcher component. By default: | - |
27 |
| Debounce time (ms) before triggering search in ClaimFilter. By default: | - |
28 |
| Default (pre-selected) visity type when creating a claim. By default: | - |
29 |
| Default (pre-selected) status when creating a claim. By default: | - |
30 |
| Value set to feedback status when creating a claim. By default: | - |
31 |
| Value set to review status when creating a claim. By default: | - |
32 |
| Pagination page size options in Claim Searcher component. By default: | - |
33 |
| Pagination pre-selected page size options in Claim Searcher component. By default: | - |
34 |
| Amount triggering the primary highligh (default bold) for claims in claim searcher result. By default: | - |
35 |
| Boolean to trigger the secondary highligh (default italic) for claims of the same insuree. By default: | - |
36 |
| The max size of a claim code (id). By default: | - |
37 |
| Boolean to prevent user to adapt prices at claim entry (fixed to price list). By default: | - |
38 |
| Boolean to prevent user to adapt prices at claim review (fixed to price list). By default: | - |
39 |
| Init state when reviewing claim. By default: {
random: 5,
value: 0,
variance: 10,
} | - |
40 |
| Boolean to display justification field(s) for items and services at claim entry. By default: | - |
41 |
| Boolean to display adjustment field at claim entry. By default: | - |
42 |
| the insuree picker to use when filling a claim. Default insuree.InsureeChfIdPicker (the exact chfid entry picker). Other pre-canned option (from insuree reference module): insuree.InsureePicker (dialog picker with search on chfid, last name and other names) | - |
43 |
| Wherever user can save a claim without service nor item. By default: | - |
44 |
| Wherever user can submit with 0 as claimed amount (probably a claim without service/item). By default: | - |
45 |
| Boolean to enable/disable claim attachments. By default: | - |
46 |
| Boolean to make referal HF mandatory when visit type = Referal. By default: | - |
47 |
| Used for checking referHF option, indicate which letter represents referal. By default: | - |
48 |
| Limits the guaranteeId length. By default: | - |
49 |
| Boolean to enable autogenerating claim code by the backend. By default: | - |
50 |
| Integer to enable required number of additional diagnoses. By default: | - |
51 |
| Boolean to enable check for required explanation if visit type is IPD. By default: | - |
52 |
| Boolean to set CareType (in/out patient) field to mandatory. It removes "any" option. By default: | - |
53 |
| Default filters for claim review searcher. The code snippet below sets the default values for 'Claim Status' and 'Claimed Less Than' in the Review page. Specifically, it sets 'Claim Status' to the value of 4 (which means 'Checked') and 'Claimed Less Than' to a value of 1,000,000. {
"reviews.defaultFilters" : {
"claimStatus": {
"value": 4,
"filter": "status: 4",
"claimedUnder": {
"value": 1000000,
"filter": "claimed_Lte: \"1000000\""
} | - |
54 |
| Show "number" column as a first column in claim searcher and item/services table. By default: | - |
55 |
| Set Date Claimed to current date and set field to read only while creating new claim. By default: | - |
56 |
| Defines the max number of provided quantity. By default: | - |
57 |
| Determines whether to display additional panels, including information about the insuree and details about claim related to the same diagnosis. By default: | - |
58 |
| Determines if an explanation field should be mandatory and if an error should be displayed when the provided quantity exceeds the specified threshold. If set to true, an error will be triggered when the provided quantity goes beyond the threshold set in **quantityExplanationThreshold**. By default: | - |
59 |
| Specifies the threshold for the provided quantity. If the quantity provided exceeds this threshold, and if **explanationRequiredIfQuantityAboveThreshold** is set to true, an error will be triggered indicating that an explanation is required. By default: | - |
60 |
| Boolean to hide/show Pre-Authorization field. By default: | - |
61 |
| boolean to hide/show Patient Condition field. By default: | - |
62 |
| Boolean to indicate attachment is mandatory for the referral type claim. By default: | - |
63 |
| Controls the behavior of the fields. For example "fields": {"guaranteeNo": "M"} will make the field **Guarantee No** a mandatory field. Options are M, O and N.
| - |
64 |
| Boolean to enable or disable complex product calculation or openimis default calculation in claim process. By default: | - |
65 |
| It is possible to restrict the domain attachments. By default: | - |
66 |
| List of states of an updatable Contract. By default: | - |
67 |
| List of states of an approvable Contract. By default: | - |
68 |
| Options for ContractStatePicker component. By default:
"value": "1",
"label": {
"fr": "Demande d'information",
"en": "Request for information"
}, {
"value": "2",
"label": {
"fr": "Brouillon",
"en": "Draft"
}, {
"value": "3",
"label": {
"fr": "Offre",
"en": "Offer"
}, {
"value": "4",
"label": {
"fr": "En negociation",
"en": "Negotiable"
}, {
"value": "5",
"label": {
"fr": "Apprové",
"en": "Executable"
}, {
"value": "6",
"label": {
"fr": "Addendum",
"en": "Addendum"
}, {
"value": "7",
"label": {
"fr": "En cours",
"en": "Effective"
}, {
"value": "8",
"label": {
"fr": "Appliqué",
"en": "Executed"
}, {
"value": "9",
"label": {
"fr": "Suspendu",
"en": "Disputed"
}, {
"value": "10",
"label": {
"fr": "Terminé",
"en": "Terminated"
}, {
"value": "11",
"label": {
"fr": "Révision demandé",
"en": "Counter"
) | - |
69 |
| Debounce time (ms) before triggering search in ContributionFilter. By default: | - |
70 |
| By default: | - |
71 |
| By default: | - |
72 |
| By default: | - |
73 |
| By default: | - |
74 |
| Debounce time (ms) before triggering search By default: | - |
75 |
| By default: | - |
76 |
| By default: | - |
77 |
| Debounce time (ms) before triggering search. By default: | - |
78 |
| A boolean configuration flag that determines whether or not a special message will be displayed on the home page. If set to true, the application will fetch and display HTML content based on the URL specified in **HomePageContainer.homeMessageURL**. By default: | - |
79 |
| A string configuration that specifies the URL from which to fetch the HTML payload for display on the home page. By default: | - |
80 |
| Boolean to show HF status information. It shows days to the end of the contract of a HF assigned to a current user. By default: | - |
81 |
| A boolean configuration flag that exposes the `home.HomePage.customDashboard` contribution key. This key allows overriding the default homepage to render a custom dashboard. **NOTE**: The custom page will not be rendered unless a component is provided with the `home.HomePage.customDashboard` contribution key. By default: | - |
82 |
| Allow user to cancel existing insuree's policies when changing an insuree from family; By default: | - |
83 |
| Allow user to keep existing insuree's policies active when changing an insuree from family; By default: | - |
84 |
| Ability to filter families by its members data (chfid, last names,...). By default: | - |
85 |
| This setting allows for the customization of name display order, specifically toggling between displaying the given name first or the last name first. By default: | - |
86 |
| Debounce time (in ms) before triggering the search in insuree picker. By default: | - |
87 |
| Available rows per page options in insuree overview within family page; By default: | - |
88 |
| Opening rows per page displayed in insuree overview within family page. By default: | - |
89 |
| Available rows per page options in family searcher; By default: | - |
90 |
| Opening rows per page displayed in family searcher; By default: | - |
91 |
| Allow to set FSP to required while creating new insuree. By default: | - |
92 |
| Make insuree status dropdown mandatory. By default: | - |
93 |
| Available rows per page options in insuree searcher; By default: | - |
94 |
| Opening rows per page displayed in insuree searcher; By default: | - |
95 |
| Show insuree address information in enquire. By default: | - |
96 |
| Determines whether to show Insuree Profile link. This is used in the Enquiry Dialog. If set to true, there is a button inside the dialog that allows to redirect to selected Insuree. By default: | - |
97 |
| Allow user to cancel existing insuree's policies when removing an insuree from a family; By default: | - |
98 |
| Allow user to keep existing insuree's policies active when removing an insuree from a family; By default: | - |
99 |
| Threshold to switch from combo box to drop down options in eduction picker. By default: | - |
100 |
| The max size of an insuree CHF ID; By default: | - |
101 |
| Threshold to switch from combo box to drop down options in insuree officer picker. By default: | - |
102 |
| Threshold to switch from combo box to drop down options in profession picker. By default: | - |
103 |
| Threshold to switch from combo box to drop down options in family relation picker. By default: | - |
104 |
| Make photo upload of an insuree mandatory, By default: | - |
105 |
| Available location types. By default: | - |
106 |
| Max location code length. By default: | - |
107 |
| By default: | - |
108 |
| By default: | - |
109 |
| Debounce time to wait before triggering search in `location.HealthFacilityPicker`. By default: | - |
110 |
| Limit the code max length. By default: | - |
111 |
| Limit the acc code max length. By default: | - |
112 |
| Makes the accCode field mandatory. By default: | - |
113 |
| Enable HF status dropdown (Active/Inactive/Delisted/Idle). By default: | - |
114 |
| Make HF contract dates mandatory. By default: | - |
115 |
| District suggestions count threshold under which the AutoSuggestion switch to a SelectInut (drop down list). By default: | - |
116 |
| Determines how many chars do we need to enter to invoke query (Autocomplete). By default: | - |
117 |
| Region suggestions count threshold under which the AutoSuggestion switch to a SelectInut (drop down list). By default: | - |
118 |
| By default: | - |
119 |
| By default: | - |
120 |
| By default: | - |
121 |
| By default: | - |
122 |
| It allows to show the Balance of the policy in the table. By default: | - |
123 |
| Enables to choose whether you want to display only active and the last expired policies, or all. By default: | - |
124 |
| Allows to set whether you want to sort policies by expiry date in ascending or descending order. By default: | - |
125 |
| Enables/disables remain counts/amounts in enquire. Enabled if true. By default: | - |
126 |
| Determines which statuses are considered as active. By default: | - |
127 |
| By default: | - |
128 |
| Set minimum allowed date for effective date of a policy. Sets minimum for x days before current day. If 0 nothing is changed. By default: | - |
129 |
| Enables to set default value of PremiumPaymentTypePicker. By default: | - |
130 |
| By default: | - |
131 |
| By default: | - |
132 |
| Options for LegalFormPicker component. By default:
"value": "1",
"label": {
"en": "Personal Company",
"fr": "Persone physique"
}, {
"value": "2",
"label": {
"en": "Limited Risk Company",
"fr": "Société à risque limité"
}, {
"value": "3",
"label": {
"en": "Association",
"fr": "Association"
}, {
"value": "4",
"label": {
"en": "Government",
"fr": "Gouvernement"
}, {
"value": "5",
"label": {
"en": "Union",
``` | - |
133 |
| Options for ActivityCodePicker component. By default:
"value": "1",
"label": {
"en": "Retail",
"fr": "Vente au détails"
}, {
"value": "2",
"label": {
"en": "Industry",
"fr": "Industrie"
}, {
"value": "3",
"label": {
"en": "Building",
"fr": "Construction"
}, {
"value": "4",
"label": {
"en": "Sailing",
"fr": "Maritime"
}, {
"value": "5",
"label": {
"en": "Services",
``` | - |
134 |
| Pagination pre-selected page size options in PolicyHolderSearcher component. By default: | - |
135 |
| Pagination page size options in PolicyHolderSearcher component. By default: | - |
136 |
| Specifies whether the system should enable the use of generic vouchers for the worker. When set to true, the system provides additional functionalities for handling generic vouchers, aligning the interface with the specific needs of voucher management. By default: | - |
137 |
| This determines how many vouchers can be assigned to the worker. If limit reached, there would be a warning in the Worker's detail page. By default: | - |
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