Payroll creation

Payroll creation

You can create payment cycles in order to customize and manage benefit consuption payments.

Creating payroll

When you enter Payments → Payroll click on green '+' button in bottom right corner.

View with payroll form should be visible.

  1. Name - name of payroll

  2. Payment plan - dropdown with all active payment plans

  3. Payment point - payment point related to payroll

  4. Payment point - dropdown with all active payment cycles

  5. Payment method - list of all configured payment methods

  6. Date valid from and to - date range when payroll is valid


After filling all fields and clicking save button, new payroll is created in PENDING_APPROVAL status.


Payroll approval

Now you have to resolve task (Tasks/Maker Checker Logic ) in order to make payroll active. To find appropriate task you can either find task in tasks module or navigate to created payroll → tasks tab and double click on the task row.



On task view, payroll can be reviewed and either accepted or rejected.


After task is accepted it goes into APPROVE_FOR_PAYMENT status and are visible in Approved Payrolls view.

Payroll reconciliation

Navigate to Approved Payrolls view and select your Payroll. From this view you can View reconciliation files or View reconciliation summary.




To reconcile payroll double click on chosen payroll and then click on upload payment data button. To prepare such CSV file you can click on Download button and then modify downloaded file by filling Paid column with “Yes”.


After file is uploaded all benefit consumption marked as paid will change status into Accepted. To reconcile paid benefit consuptions navigate to Tasks → Payroll reconciliation tasks and resolve the mentioned task. After the task is accepted then paid benefit consuptions go into Reconciled status.


Create payroll from unpaid invoices

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