Payment plan creation

You can create payment cycles in order to customize and manage payment plans and details for creating benefit consuption.

Creating new payment plan

When you enter Payments → Payment plans click on green '+' button in bottom right corner.

You will be redirected to Payment plan creation form.

Firstly select if you are creating plan for Product or Benefit Plan.


After selecting one of option rest of fields should pop up

  1. Code - code of payment plan

  2. Name - full name of payment plan

  3. Calculation rule - dropdown with rules of creating benefit consumptions

  4. Benefit plan - dropdown with benefit plan for which payments will be created

  5. Valid from and to - date range for which payment plan is valid

  6. Advanced criteria - section to add criteria how benefits will be distributed


When you fill all mandatory fields click on Save icon. After clicking the button new payment plan is created and should be visible on main list.


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