I. Inventory and Documentation
1. Summary of tools/technologies used:
a) database
b) backend
Python, Django, graphQL
c) frontend
React JS
d) dockerized distribution and external components:
openFN lightning (GitHub - openimis/openimis-lightning_dkr: Dockerized instance of Lightning with demo workflow for openIMIS Individual ETL )
OpenSearch Dashboards
Summary of the documentation:
a) Backend
for assembly GitHub - openimis/openimis-be_py at coreMIS
for coreMIS modules Developers documentation: see backend modules (be)
b) Frontend
for assembly GitHub - openimis/openimis-fe_js at coreMIS
for coreMIS modules Developers documentation: see frontend modules (fe)
c) Database
GitHub - openimis/openimis-dist_dkr: The "all in one" packaged openIMIS (docker-compose) - postgres container (db)
d) dockerized distribution and external components
GitHub - openimis/openimis-dist_dkr: The "all in one" packaged openIMIS (docker-compose) - setup openIMIS dockerized distribution
https://github.com/openimis/openimis-dist_dkr/tree/coremisSetup#openfnlightning-setup - openFn Lightning setup
https://github.com/openimis/openimis-dist_dkr/tree/coremisSetup#opensearchopensearch-dashboards-setup - openSearch/OpenSearch Dashboard setup
e) Documentation on Confluence page:
README.md sections of all modules presented in coreMIS package
Task based update - technical details (CORE-MIS) - tasks management module maker-checker logic
Payment Funcionality migration strategy - payment modules design
Module mapping module mapping
f) User guides User Guides (CORE-MIS modules):
II. Access Details
Transfer critical system/application logins.
a) coreMIS demo server - no production data
Login: Admin
Password: admin123
b) coreMIS demo lightning credential - no production data
Login: IMISUser@openimis.com
Password: IMISUserPassword
c) OpenSearch Dashboard demo server
NOTE: You have to log into openIMIS to access OpenSearch due to the nginx configuration.
Update access list post-handover.
Ensure secure credential transfer.
there is no credentials to production instance because currently we do not have any production data
IV. Ongoing tasks and responbilities
List of the created but not addressed task is also available under this link https://openimis.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/CM/boards/45/backlog
Document in-progress tasks.
Issue Summary | Issue ID | Status |
Added synchronization with OpenSearch during openFn ligthning workflow to upload Beneficiary | Backlog | |
Deleted task groups are visible in task view | Backlog | |
Error while opening benefit plan update task detailed view | Backlog | |
[Payroll] Change 'included unpaid' checkbox colour + typo | Backlog | |
Error after creating payroll | Backlog | |
Configure the application for development purposes | On hold | |
Create endpoint for changing the password | On hold | |
Create endpoint for Sync reconciliation and close payroll | On hold | |
Create endpoint for List of recent disbursements | On hold | |
Create endpoint for Fetching list of Geo Data Point for Payroll | On hold | |
Create endpoint for fetching payrolls for PPM |