Contents, learning objectives and modules
Here is an overview of the development of the course structure & modules. Each module is divided into learning objectives, content and possible content source and development.
Learning objective for the whole course:
After completion of all modules and the self-assessment, participants will be able to:
Utilize her/his knowledge on openIMIS to promote the advantages of openIMIS with his/her superior manager(s)
Outline the use of openIMIS as a strategy for ensuring access to UHC and USP
Module 1: The basics
Learning objectives:
Explain the functionalities of openIMIS, including the enrolment and claims processes
Outline the boundaries of openIMIS (what it can, what not)
Overview of what openIMIS is and what it does
Link to health financing & ICT basics
Brief history of how it was development
Explanation of various functionalities and how it actually works (focusing on enrolment and claims)
Further learning resources module 1
Module 2: openIMIS and national eHealth structure
Learning objectives:
Relate the position of openIMIS within a national eHealth structure
Summarize the interoperability of openIMIS with other systems (not technically)
Compare with other software such as DHIS2
Chart of eHealth architecture and where OpenIMIS fits in
Explanation of how OpenIMIS can be integrated with other systems and used for different types of schemes (using it alone vs. with other systems in place)
Give specific examples, including DHIS2
ICT governance
Further learning resources module 2
Module 3: openIMIS use cases
Learning objectives:
Explain the achievements of openIMIS in selected countries/regions
Compare the processes of implementation in the shown cases
Explain implementation process and timeline
Use case of Tanzania & Nepal with photos, videos, possibly interviews
Gambia, HIV scheme in Cameroon, Zanzibar to show variety of schemes using openIMIS
Further learning resources module 3
Module 4: Sustainability & the role of the openIMIS community
Learning objectives:
Discover, how the openIMIS community can support new implementation teams
Appraise the value of being part of openIMIS community
Description of why and how OpenIMIS is sustainable & overview of the global good approach
Presentation of the Community and what it does, how it can support
Long-term goals of the Initiative
Link to 5 year anniversary? Catalytic implementation fund as examples of what the Community does?
Further learning resources module 4
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