Contents, learning objectives and modules

Contents, learning objectives and modules

Here is an overview of the development of the course structure & modules. Each module is divided into learning objectives, content and possible content source and development.


Learning objective for the whole course:

After completion of all modules and the self-assessment, participants will be able to:

  • Utilize her/his knowledge on openIMIS to promote the advantages of openIMIS with his/her superior manager(s)

  • Outline the use of openIMIS as a strategy for ensuring access to UHC and USP


Module 1: The basics

Learning objectives:

  • Explain the functionalities of openIMIS, including the enrolment and claims processes

  • Outline the boundaries of openIMIS (what it can, what not)


  • Overview of what openIMIS is and what it does

  • Link to health financing & ICT basics

  • Brief history of how it was development

  • Explanation of various functionalities and how it actually works (focusing on enrolment and claims)

Further learning resources module 1


Module 2: openIMIS and national eHealth structure

Learning objectives:

  • Relate the position of openIMIS within a national eHealth structure

  • Summarize the interoperability of openIMIS with other systems (not technically)

  • Compare with other software such as DHIS2


  • Chart of eHealth architecture and where OpenIMIS fits in

  • Explanation of how OpenIMIS can be integrated with other systems and used for different types of schemes (using it alone vs. with other systems in place)

  • Give specific examples, including DHIS2

  • ICT governance

 Further learning resources module 2 


Module 3: openIMIS use cases

Learning objectives:

  • Explain the achievements of openIMIS in selected countries/regions

  • Compare the processes of implementation in the shown cases


  • Explain implementation process and timeline

  • Use case of Tanzania & Nepal with photos, videos, possibly interviews

  • Gambia, HIV scheme in Cameroon, Zanzibar to show variety of schemes using openIMIS

Further learning resources module 3 


Module 4: Sustainability & the role of the openIMIS community

Learning objectives:

  • Discover, how the openIMIS community can support new implementation teams

  • Appraise the value of being part of openIMIS community


  • Description of why and how OpenIMIS is sustainable & overview of the global good approach

  • Presentation of the Community and what it does, how it can support

  • Long-term goals of the Initiative

  • Link to 5 year anniversary? Catalytic implementation fund as examples of what the Community does? 

Further learning resources module 4 

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