WA3.4 Web configuration file
openIMIS components: Web Application v1.4.0 and later.
Implementation roles required: IMIS Administrator, IT Officer
Video tutorial
The Web Application configuration file (Web.config) contains application settings that can be adapted to the implementation context.
One setting that always needs to be updated is the configuration of the database connection string. In case this configuration was not done in previous steps, please follow the instructions from the Web Application installation page.
The following code is an extract of the Web.config default configuration.
<add key="ValidationSettings:UnobtrusiveValidationMode" value="None"/>
<add key="aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys" value="10000"/>
<add key="DefaultClaimRows" value="5"/>
<add key="Host" value="Enter your domain or IP Address"/>
<add key="SMSGateway" value="Enter SMS Gateway URL"/>
<add key="SMSGatewayUserName" value="User Name"/>
<add key="SMSGatewayPassword" value="Password"/>
<add key="ExportFolder" value="Extracts\Export\"/>
<add key="ExportLogFolder" value="Extracts\Export\Log\"/>
<add key="FromPhone_Renewal" value="\FromPhone\Renewal\"/>
<add key="FromPhone_Renewal_Rejected" value="\FromPhone\Renewal\Rejected\"/>
<add key="FromPhone_Claim" value="\FromPhone\Claim\"/>
<add key="FromPhone_Claim_Rejected" value="\FromPhone\Claim\Rejected\"/>
<add key="FromPhone_Feedback" value="\FromPhone\Feedback\"/>
<add key="FromPhone_Feedback_Rejected" value="\FromPhone\Feedback\Rejected\"/>
<add key="SubmittedFolder" value="Images\Submitted\"/>
<add key="UpdatedFolder" value="Images\Updated\"/>
<add key="InsureeImageDelimiter" value="_"/>
<add key="DefaultLimitation" value="C"/>
<add key="DefaultPriceOrigin" value="P"/>
<add key="Password:MinLength" value="8"/>
<add key="Password:LowerCaseLetter" value="1"/>
<add key="Password:UpperCaseLetter" value="1"/>
<add key="Password:Number" value="1"/>
<add key="Password:SpecialSymbol" value="1"/>
<add key="Offline:SQLite:Password" value="%^Klp)*3"/>
<add key="Offline:Encryption:Password" value=":-+A7V@="/>
<add key="Offline:RAR:Password" value=")(#$1HsD"/>
Key | Default value | Meaning |
ValidationSettings:UnobtrusiveValidationMode | None | Input field validation is done on Client side using Javascript and reduces the amount of JavaScript that has to be generated. |
aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys | 10000 | Defines the maximum number of form keys, files, and JSON members that ASP.NET will accept in a request. |
DefaultClaimRows | 5 | Number of items and services rows initially displayed in enter claim form. |
Host | Enter your domain or IP Address | The host domain or IP address. |
SMSGateway | Enter SMS Gateway URL | The SMS Gateway URL or IP address. |
SMSGatewayUserName | User Name | The username to use to connect to the SMS Gateway. |
SMSGatewayPassword | Password | The password to use to connect to the SMS Gateway. |
ExportFolder | Extracts\Export\ | Location of Export Folder. |
ExportLogFolder | Extracts\Export\Log\ | Location of Export Log Folder. |
FromPhone_Renewal | \FromPhone\Renewal\ | Location of Renewal Folder for renewals submitted from the phone. |
FromPhone_Renewal_Rejected | \FromPhone\Renewal\Rejected\ | Location of Renewal Folder for renewals submitted from the phone but rejected. |
FromPhone_Claim | \FromPhone\Claim\ | Location of Claim Folder for claims submitted from the phone. |
FromPhone_Claim_Rejected | \FromPhone\Claim\Rejected\ | Location of Claim Folder for claims submitted from the phone but rejected. |
FromPhone_Feedback | \FromPhone\Feedback\ | Location of Feedback Folder for feedback submitted from the phone. |
FromPhone_Feedback_Rejected | \FromPhone\Feedback\Rejected\ | Location of Feedback Folder for feedback submitted from the phone but rejected. |
SubmittedFolder | Images\Submitted\ | Location of Image Folder for insuree images submitted from the phone. |
UpdatedFolder | Images\Updated\ | Location of Image Folder for insuree images submitted from the phone and registered in the database. |
InsureeImageDelimiter | _ | Delimiter used in the insuree’s image filename that allows to split it into data fields. |
DefaultLimitation | C | Default limitation. |
DefaultPriceOrigin | P | Default price origin. |
Password:MinLength | 8 | User’s password minimum length: at least 8 characters. |
Password:LowerCaseLetter | 1 | User’s password minimum lower case letters: at least 1 lower case letter (e.g. a-z). |
Password:UpperCaseLetter | 1 | User’s password minimum upper case letters: at least 1 upper case letter (e.g. A-Z). |
Password:Number | 1 | User’s password minimum number of digits: at least 1 digit (e.g. 0-9). |
Password:SpecialSymbol | 1 | User’s password minimum number of special characters: at least 1 special character (e.g. @#!&). |
Offline:SQLite:Password | %^Klp)*3 | The password for the exported SQLite database for offline usage of mobile application. You need to have the same password on mobile application |
Offline:Encryption:Password | :-+A7V@= | The password for the encryption of exported SQLite database for offline usage of mobile application. You need to have the same password on mobile application |
Offline:RAR:Password | )(#$1HsD | The password for the compression file of exported SQLite database for offline usage of mobile application. |
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