AeHIN openIMIS Community of Practice in Asia

AeHIN openIMIS Community of Practice in Asia

The open-source Insurance Management Information System (openIMIS) is the first open-source software that manages social (health) protection schemes by linking beneficiary, provider, and payer data. With a modular structure, openIMIS can be modified according to country-specific needs.

The initiative aims to contribute to the "gradual inclusion of hitherto excluded populations into social (health) protection schemes by improving the schemes' data and information management capacities through openIMIS." Part of its objectives is to complement ICT infrastructure for insurance and other finance mechanisms with openIMIS or specific modules.

One of the expected outputs of the initiative is establishing a Community of Practice (CoP) for existing users and interested groups to inform the direction and development of openIMIS. Currently being implemented in Tanzania, Nepal, and select countries, the openIMIS initiative collaborated with the Asia eHealth Information Network (AeHIN) to expand its reach in Asia. 

AeHIN is a collaboration of digital health advocates created by the World Health Organization in 2011 to help Asian countries with digital health development. It has helped build capacity in the region by laying down national health information foundations: (1) governance; (1) architecture, (3) program management; and (4) standards, and interoperability.

In 2019, AeHIN established an openIMIS regional hub (Philippines, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka) in Asia to provide country-input on challenges, priorities, and user requirements for openIMIS, especially in the academic setting. 

Since then, partner universities and groups have started using openIMIS to demonstrate a health information system's core functionalities and a social health insurance scheme's critical business processes.

The openIMIS Regional Hub Asia consists of health education institutions, medical student associations, and other related networks that actively review, implement, and evaluate openIMIS in various use cases, particularly in the academic setting, to support the application of ICT solutions for social health protection


Management of social health insurance and other health protection schemes to achieve universal health coverage (UHC) through openIMIS


Position openIMIS as a  global good that can support the application of concepts and skills on social health protection and health informatics


Strengthen the openIMIS community in Asia by localizing capacity-building strategies and supplementary knowledge materials with the reality of concrete country cases


  1. Continue facilitating regional knowledge sharing and networking around openIMIS;

  2. Develop a regional capacity-building program on health financing and digital heath with openIMIS as the laboratory component; and

  3. Expand the openIMIS community of practice in Asia by supporting open source ecosystems for national and subnational schemes.

Contact Persons:

Dr Alvin Marcelo 

Executive Director


Kristin Chloe Pascual

Operations and CoP Management


Charisse Orjalo

Online Community Management



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