

The openimis-be-deduplication_py module is dedicated to detection and removal of the duplication in the beneficiary uploads to OpenIMIS system.


It provides services, functionalities, and GraphQL queries related to duplication. It’s is designed to be deployed as a module of openimis-be_py, the OpenIMIS backend application.

This documentation aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to utilize, configure, and interact with the Deduplication Reference Module effectively.

ORM Mapping


GraphQL Queries

The module provides several GraphQL queries to retrieve tasks information:

  • beneficiaryDeduplicationSummary: Retrieves summary of the deduplication operations on the individuals level.

  • benefityDeduplicationSummary: Retrieves summary of the deduplication operations on the benefit plan level.

GraphQL Mutations

The Deduplication Reference Module offers GraphQL mutations to manage it’s Each mutation emits default signals and returns standard error lists following the conventions of openimis-be-core_py.

List of available mutations:

  • create_deduplication_tasks: Creates a new task for individual deduplication record.

  • create_deduplication_payment_tasks: Create a new task for payments deduplication.


The module provides the following services:

  • CreateDeduplicationReviewTasksService: Create individual deduplication tasks.

  • CreateDeduplicationPaymentReviewTasksService: Create payment deduplication tasks.

  • IndividualDataSourceUploadService: Offers methods to create, update, and delete individual data source uploads.

  • GroupService: Provides methods to create, update, and delete group records.

  • GroupIndividualService: Offers methods to create, update, and delete group-individual associations.

Developers can interact with these services to perform various operations related to individual and group management.

Configuration Options

The behavior of the Reference Module can be customized through configuration options, which can be modified via core.ModuleConfiguration. The available configuration options are:

  • gql_create_deduplication_review_perms: Specifies the required rights to create individual deduplication task.

  • gql_create_deduplication_payment_review_perms: Specifies the required rights to create payment deduplication task.

OpenIMIS Modules Dependencies

The Reference Module relies on the following module:

  • core: Provides core functionality and utilities for the OpenIMIS system.

  • individuial: Provide base for individuals and groups management.

  • tasks: Task management and queirying functionality. Deduplication operations are handled as tasks.

  • payment_cycle: for payment deduplication.


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