02 Potentials & Problems

02 Potentials & Problems


Goal: “Discover users feedback about the current UI and identify problems and potentials to treat in the new design guideline“


Personas Overview:

The following list provides an overview of all user personas in openIMIS. All information in the personas are 100% made up and generated. The following details from the User manual were used to generate the personas: https://openimis.atlassian.net/wiki/x/4wAA2















Enrolment Officer

Fatima Mwanga



Social sciences, 5 years in health

Maximize enrolment, improve community awareness

Tech access in remote areas, language barriers


Ramesh Gurung



Office management diploma, 4 years

Maintain accurate records, streamline processing

Application backlog, changing regulations


Jean-Paul Ngome



Accounting degree, 10 years experience

Accurate financial records, timely reporting

Data reconciliation, resource limitations


Aisha Thapa



Healthcare management degree, 6 years

Ensure patient access to claim forms, facilitate claims process

High patient volume, ensuring accurate info

Claim Administrator

Ramesh Gurung



Office management diploma, 4 years

Timely claims submission, improve provider communication

High volume claims, tracking claims status

Medical Officer

Dr. Lila Acharya



Medical degree, 15 years experience

Ensure claim accuracy, enhance collaboration

Inconsistent info, tight deadlines

Scheme Administrator

Pascal Nguene



Public administration degree, 8 years

Smooth scheme operation, provide accurate data

Cumbersome management, data accuracy

openIMIS Administrator

Sara Mbuyu



IT background, 5 years in admin

Ensure data security, maintain system reliability

Disruptive updates, user access control

Personas Details:

Persona: Fatima Mwanga

  • Location: Tanzania

  • Age: 32

  • Gender: Female

  • Background:

    • Fatima has a degree in social sciences and has been working in health services for 5 years.

    • She has experience in community outreach and public health initiatives.

  • Role & Responsibilities:

    • Enrolls insurees and submits enrollment forms to health insurance administration.

    • Handles policy modifications.

    • Collects feedback from scheme patients and submits it to the health insurance administration.

  • Available Functionality:

    • Capture a photo of an insuree.

    • Send a photo.

    • Inquiry on an insuree.

    • Collect feedback from an insuree.

  • Goals:

    • To ensure maximum enrollment of eligible beneficiaries.

    • To improve community understanding of health insurance benefits.

  • Challenges:

    • Limited access to technology in remote areas.

    • Language barriers with some community members.

  • Technology Proficiency: Basic to intermediate; comfortable with mobile devices but needs training for advanced software.

Persona: Ramesh Gurung

  • Location: Nepal

  • Age: 28

  • Gender: Male

  • Background:

    • Ramesh has a diploma in office management and has been a clerk for 4 years.

    • He has experience working with local government offices.

  • Role & Responsibilities:

    • Enters and modifies data on families, insurees, policies, and contributions.

    • Enters data on claims if the claims are submitted in a paper form.

  • Available Functionality:

    • Creation, search, modification, deletion, and modification of a household/group, an insuree, a policy, or a contribution.

    • Renewal of a policy.

    • Entry of a claim.

  • Goals:

    • To maintain accurate and up-to-date records.

    • To streamline application processing for better efficiency.

  • Challenges:

    • High volume of applications leading to backlog.

    • Frequent changes in regulations affecting documentation requirements.

  • Technology Proficiency: Intermediate; familiar with database management but struggles with complex software features.

Persona: Jean-Paul Ngome

  • Location: Cameroon

  • Age: 40

  • Gender: Male

  • Background:

    • Jean-Paul has a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and has 10 years of experience in financial management.

    • He has worked in both the public and private sectors.

  • Role & Responsibilities:

    • Transfers data on collected contributions to an external accounting system.

    • Calculates claim amounts per health facility.

    • Runs openIMIS operational reports and presents claims decision overview to management.

    • Processes approved claims to health facility sub-accounts.

  • Available Functionality:

    • Transfer of data on contributions to accounting system.

    • Valuation of a claim.

    • Transfer of a batch of claims for payment.

  • Goals:

    • To maintain accurate financial records for the organization.

    • To ensure timely and accurate reporting for stakeholders.

  • Challenges:

    • Difficulty in reconciling data from different sources.

    • Limited resources for financial training and development.

  • Technology Proficiency: Advanced; skilled in financial software and data analysis tools.

Persona: Aisha Thapa

  • Location: Nepal

  • Age: 35

  • Gender: Female

  • Background:

    • Aisha has a degree in healthcare management and has 6 years of experience in patient services and claims processing.

    • She has previously worked in a hospital setting, assisting patients with insurance claims.

  • Role & Responsibilities:

    • Verifies membership and issues claim forms to patients.

  • Available Functionality:

    • Inquiring on a household/group, insuree, and policy.

  • Goals:

    • To ensure all patients have access to the necessary claim forms and information.

    • To facilitate a smooth claims process for patients.

  • Challenges:

    • Managing high patient volumes during peak hours.

    • Ensuring accurate information is communicated to patients regarding their claims.

  • Technology Proficiency: Intermediate; comfortable with patient management systems but needs training on new software.

Persona: Ramesh Gurung

  • Location: Nepal

  • Age: 28

  • Gender: Male

  • Background:

    • Ramesh has a diploma in office management and has been a claims administrator for 4 years, focusing on health facilities.

  • Role & Responsibilities:

    • Pools claim forms from health facilities and enters and submits claims.

  • Available Functionality:

    • Opening a batch of claims.

    • Entry of a claim.

  • Goals:

    • To ensure timely and accurate submission of claims from health facilities.

    • To improve communication with healthcare providers regarding claims processing.

  • Challenges:

    • High volume of claims leading to potential errors or delays.

    • Difficulty tracking the status of multiple claims at once.

  • Technology Proficiency: Intermediate; experienced with claims processing software but can benefit from additional training on openIMIS.

Persona: Dr. Lila Acharya

  • Location: Nepal

  • Age: 45

  • Gender: Female

  • Background:

    • Dr. Acharya has a medical degree and has been practicing for over 15 years.

    • She has experience in public health and claims verification.

  • Role & Responsibilities:

    • Provides technical advice on claims verification from a medical standpoint.

  • Available Functionality:

    • Checking of a claim for plausibility.

    • Review of a claim.

    • Authorize a claim for payment.

  • Goals:

    • To ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of claims.

    • To enhance collaboration between healthcare providers and insurers.

  • Challenges:

    • Inconsistent information from different healthcare facilities.

    • High-pressure environment with tight deadlines.

  • Technology Proficiency: Advanced; experienced with medical software and claims processing systems.Users Feedback Questionaire:

Persona: Pascal Nguene

  • Location: Cameroon

  • Age: 38

  • Gender: Male

  • Background:

    • Pascal has a degree in public administration and has worked in health scheme administration for 8 years.

  • Role & Responsibilities:

    • Administers registers (all except the register of users).

  • Available Functionality:

    • Administer registers (officers, payers, health facilities, medical services, medical items, medical item price lists, medical services price list, products).

    • Extract creation for off-line health facilities.

  • Goals:

    • To ensure the smooth operation of the health insurance scheme.

    • To provide accurate data for decision-making.

  • Challenges:

    • Managing multiple registers can be cumbersome.

    • Ensuring data accuracy and integrity.

  • Technology Proficiency: Intermediate; comfortable with administrative software but needs training on advanced features.

Persona: Sara Mbuyu

  • Location: Tanzania

  • Age: 30

  • Gender: Female

  • Background:

    • Sara has a background in information technology and has worked in system administration for 5 years.

  • Role & Responsibilities:

    • Administers operations of the IMIS.

    • Responsible for backups of data.

  • Available Functionality:

    • Administer the register of users and utilities.

    • Manage backup, restore, and updates.

    • Extract creation for off-line health facilities.

  • Goals:

    • To ensure data security and system reliability.

    • To maintain seamless operations of the openIMIS system.

  • Challenges:

    • Handling system updates can disrupt operations.

    • Ensuring user access control while maintaining security.

  • Technology Proficiency: Advanced; highly skilled in system administration and database management.

User Survey:

Goal: “Measure the usability of openIMIS and find treatable problems in the UI/UX

Survey: https://forms.office.com/e/puhURXFd0h

Measure the Usability:

To measure the usability we will use the well known System Usability Scale (SUS). We will focus on the all-positive scale from Kortum, P., Acemyan, C. Z., & Oswald, F. L. (2021) rather then the original from Brooke, J. (1986). By asking the related 10 Questions we can get quite fast a measured score.

We will use SUS over Usability Metric for User Experience (UMUX) cause we can get a little more in-depth feedback from users.



Strongly Disagree               Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree               Strongly Agree


I think that I would like to use this system frequently.

1         2          3          4          5


I found this system to be simple.

1         2          3          4          5


I thought the system was easy to use.

1         2          3          4          5


I think I could use this system without the support of a technical person.

1         2          3          4          5


I found the various functions in this system were well integrated.

1         2          3          4          5


I thought there a lot of consistency in this system.

1         2          3          4          5


I would imagine that most people would learn to use this system very quickly.

1         2          3          4          5


I found the system very intuitive.

1         2          3          4          5


I felt very confident using the system.

1         2          3          4          5


I could use the system without having to learn anything new.

1         2          3          4          5



To put that score into a intuitive labeling we will use the one from Bangor, Kortum, & Miller (2009):

SUS Score Range


SUS Score Range


85.59 – 100.00

Best imaginable

72.76 – 85.58


52.02 – 72.75


39.18 – 52.01


25.01 – 39.17


0.00 – 25.00

Worst imaginable

Sources: Measuring Usability

Find treatable problems

By knowing the usability score we already can derive some information. But to better know where exactly the users problem with UI and UX are, we will add more openIMIS related open & closed questions. We should consider to not ask to many so that the churn rate will not be to high.

  1. Accessibility

  2. Devices

  3. Features and Functions

  4. Data operations

  5. Notifications

  6. Open Feedback Question

Heuristics Evaluation:

For the evaluation of the user experience as well as the user interface, we are going to use Nielsens 10 heuristics. (https://dl.acm.org/doi/book/10.5555/2821575 ).

The evaluation will focus on the following features of openIMIS:

Heuristic Evaluation



  1. Add/Update/Delete Family/Group:

    Evaluator: Marvin M
    Date : 20.10.2024
    Task : Add/Update/Delete Family/Group

  • Visibility:

    • Issues:

      • Date-Picker info missing for birthday input field / photo date

      • Search existing insuree as head of Family does not respond in a resonable time. No Spinner or Search button + No information if nothing was found

      • After clicking save button the screen does not change. It just turns gray.

      • Reload button has no warning if you really want to reload

      • If a entry is deleted it will be displayed as gray stripped row. The list itself will not get refreshed afterwards.

    • Recommendations:

      • Add DatePicker icon

      • Add feedback notification for search

      • Add feedback information "nothing found" etc.

      • Add forwarding or other response after adding family

      • Refresh the Family-List at a certain point (either if notification arrived or after X seconds)

  • Matching real-world

    • Issues:

      • Only seven inputs needed but 28 input-fields are shown to get answered.

      • After changing from one page to another there is no information shown what type of interaction is happening. If you change from Family to “Add Policy” then you get to the “Policy” Page. But there is no information that you now can add information to the Policy.
        -> Add Policy looks exactly the same as “Read” Policy

      • User hast to scroll through all lists even though he just wants to add/change one information (ex. Policies)

    • Recommendations:

      • Add any information that the user is aware of which action he is doing.

      • Displaying the “menus” only as header or card without records to easily choose the wanted menu

  • User Control and Freedom

    • Issues:

      • Undo and Redo are not fully supported

      • Reload button does not clear all values

      • Poverty State is shown in Family List as checkbox. There is no visual effect which shows that the checkbox cannot be changed.

    • Recommendations:

      • Add a visual indication which shows, that those checkboxes are read only


  • Consistency and Standards

    • Issues:

      • Add Family/Group is possible to do directly from Navigation. All other entries can only be generated from the regarding list. Double entry of Family/Group in Navigation is also bit confusing.

    • Recommendations:


  • Error Prevention

    • Issues:

      • Missing information if you really want to reload the page if data was already entered.

      • No Validation of input fields given

    • Recommendations:

      • Add warning if user wants to reload

      • Add validation to input fields


  • Recognition Rather
    Than Recall

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


  • Flexibility and
    Efficiency of Use

    • Issues:

      • Search for Village or Health Facility instead of going through the different fields of information


  • Aesthetic and
    Minimalist Design

    • Issues:

      • Field "Status" is shown but cannot be changed or does not give any appended information

      • A lot of information is shown double times. Family head is shown in header, Family Details and Insurees

    • Recommendations:


  • Help Users Recognize,
    Diagnose, and Recover
    from Errors

    • Issues:

      • Missing tooltips for some buttons.

      • Documentation of some processes is really Comprehensive but no direct information panels are used inside the system

    • Recommendations:


  • Help and Documentation

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


Heuristic Evaluation



  1. Add/Update/Delete Insuree

    Evaluator: Marvin M
    Date : 20.10.2024
    Task : Add/Update/Delete Insuree

  • Visibility:

    • Issues:

      • After adding an insuree to a existing family and changing his/her Address, the next time if you open the insuree, the Checkbox “Same Address” is ticked and the entry “Address” hidden. Same for “Village”

    • Recommendations:

      • Show the differentAddress, Village details.


  • Matching real-world

    • Issues:

      • If you want to add a insuree from the list of all insurees then it randomly picks a existing family/group for you. The insuree will therefore be added to the wrong family.

    • Recommendations:

      • Asking the User to which family he wants to add the insuree to. Give the possibility to create a new one if its not existing.


  • User Control and Freedom

    • Issues:

      • Once a Photo Officer was inserted and afterwards removed, then the list of Officers is not going to be provided anymore. The Search needs then a manual input.

    • Recommendations:

      • Make the Photo Officer Search the same component as “Health Facility Search”. This component is much more user friendly


  • Consistency and Standards

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


  • Error Prevention

    • Issues:

      • After adding a insuree you can go and update the user status. For the status “inactive” as well as “dead”. The User can therefore the no longer change the user status.

    • Recommendations:

      • Add Reasons for inactivity or dead.


  • Recognition Rather
    Than Recall

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


  • Flexibility and
    Efficiency of Use

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


  • Aesthetic and
    Minimalist Design

    • Issues:

      • After choosing a Relationship in the add insuree, the field adds a magnifying glass to the result. This indicates it would act as a search. Same for Profession, Education.

    • Recommendations:

      • Remove the magnifying glass from the result


  • Help Users Recognize,
    Diagnose, and Recover
    from Errors

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


  • Help and Documentation

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


Heuristic Evaluation



  1. Add/Update/Delete Policies

    Evaluator: Marvin M
    Date : 20.10.2024
    Task : Add/Update/Delete Policies

  • Visibility:

    • Issues:

      • During entering the policy only 3 fields are needed to complete. There are a lot more information that cannot be changed or used for the creation of the policy

    • Recommendations:

      • Hide the overload of information which are not needed.


  • Matching real-world

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


  • User Control and Freedom

    • Issues:

      • Needed double click for choosing an element in the list.

    • Recommendations:

      • Add One-Click Elements to List


  • Consistency and Standards

    • Issues:

      • Policy can only be added from Family-Page and not as usual from the list of Policies

      • In Policy details the “Open Family” Button is displayed on the other side than all other buttons as usually.

    • Recommendations:

      • Add create Policy Button to the list of Policies


  • Error Prevention

    • Issues:

      • Update and Read Policy look exactly the same. Not clear what a user can do with the entry.

    • Recommendations:

      • Clarify the possible interactions.


  • Recognition Rather
    Than Recall

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


  • Flexibility and
    Efficiency of Use

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


  • Aesthetic and
    Minimalist Design

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


  • Help Users Recognize,
    Diagnose, and Recover
    from Errors

    • Issues:

      • Notifications after the asynchronous job are hard to find/recognize. The Notifications do not have links to the elements or a detailed error description.

    • Recommendations:

      • Add Links and error description to the Notifications. If its an error, add all inserted data back again, so that the user only needs to change the failure.


  • Help and Documentation

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


Heuristic Evaluation



  1. Add/Update/Delete Claims

    Evaluator: Marvin M
    Date : 20.10.2024
    Task : Add/Update/Delete Claims

  • Visibility:

    • Issues:

      • Search Form for Claims is too intense. There are too many possible fields without a distribution into several “search topics” or similar. Preset search filters are getting lost by the mass of fields (example “Claim Status”).

    • Recommendations:

      • Divide Search Form into “search” and “advanced search”


  • Matching real-world

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


  • User Control and Freedom

    • Issues:

      • User can not select a Claim from the list by double click everywhere in the row. If you click on a control nothing happens.

    • Recommendations:

      • Change control fields to clickable labels


  • Consistency and Standards

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


  • Error Prevention

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


  • Recognition Rather
    Than Recall

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


  • Flexibility and
    Efficiency of Use

    • Issues:

      • Why does the Health Facility and Admin need to be entered before its even possible to enter a claim?

    • Recommendations:


  • Aesthetic and
    Minimalist Design

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:


  • Help Users Recognize,
    Diagnose, and Recover
    from Errors

    • Issues:

      • Policy information in Claims are Red if inactive. This Text is the only “negative indicated” text in openIMIS with a red font color. The red color differ from the one in the status notification bar.

    • Recommendations:

      • Highlight the information differently. The red is nowhere else used and with the blue background not good readable.


  • Help and Documentation

    • Issues:

    • Recommendations:





Finding Description

Severity Level


Impact on User Experience




Finding Description

Severity Level


Impact on User Experience




Date-Picker info missing for birthday input field / photo date in add insuree.



- “The calendar icon is the exclusive entry point for the date picker.

This improves efficiency for a screen reader and other keyboard users, as it makes interaction with the date picker optional and reduces the amount of key presses required to input a date.”

The user does not know intuitively where to enter a date or where to click to enter the date.

For dates which are more then one or two years before the current date, it is complex to navigate in the picker modal.

  1. Add Date-Picker Icons to date inputs

  2. For Birthdate change to modal date input




Search existing insuree as head of Family does not respond in a reasonable time. No Spinner or Search button + No information if nothing was found.


Does not comply with the “Visibility Heuristic” from Nielsen. Its mentioned “Communicate clearly to users what the system’s state is” as well as “Present feedback to the user as quickly as possible (ideally, immediately).”

The user does not know if the search is working or not. Furthermore, its not possible to recognize what the search triggers. Additionally, the user needs to double-click the suggested insuree.

  1. Show that the fields are autocomplete or add tooltip/info

  2. Add spinner if search is loading longer

  3. Add information if nothing was found

    1. Use one-click for selecting a head insuree from the list



After selecting save button the screen does not change. It just turns gray.


Does not comply with the “Visibility Heuristic” from Nielsen. Its mentioned “Communicate clearly to users what the system’s state is” as well as “Present feedback to the user as quickly as possible (ideally, immediately).”

Users are confused if the operation they did was successful or not. Usability testing as well as the survey suggested, that the notification bar is not observed by the user. Hence, the user needs to check by themselves if their operation was successful or not.

  1. Change from Sidebar notification to a more visible one

  2. Redirect the user after hitting the save button to the list of elements

  3. Reload and sort the lists after the newest objects. (as most user answered they check again the entry in the list after creating it)



Reload button as well as reload page has no warning if you really want to reload. By hitting the button accidentally, all inserted data gets lost.


Does not comply with the “User Control Heuristc” from Nielsen. As its known that users do perform actions by mistake it should be possible to give them a “emergency exit” to leave the unwanted action.

User needs to retype all inserted data.

  1. Adding a modal with the question whether a user really wants to reload the page.



If a entry is deleted in the list, it will be displayed as gray stripped row. The list itself will not get refreshed afterwards.


Does not comply with the “Visibility Heuristic” from Nielsen. Its mentioned “Communicate clearly to users what the system’s state is” as well as “Present feedback to the user as quickly as possible (ideally, immediately).”

User does not know whether the operation was successful or not. He needs to do an additional click to refresh the list and search for the record.

  1. Change from Sidebar notification to a more visible one

  2. Reload and sort the lists after the newest objects. (as most user answered they check again the entry in the list after creating it)



Only some small amount of input-fields are needed but a lot more input-fields are shown on several forms (e.g. Add Family


Does not comply with the “Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Heuristic” from Nielsen. “User interfaces should be simplified as much as possible, since
every additional feature or item of information on a screen is one
more thing to learn, one more thing to possibly misunderstand,
and one more thing to search through when looking for the thing
you want.”

Possibility to misunderstand an input-field is much higher. Also the frustration of a user increases. The required fields are not that easy to recognize anymore thats why the user will need more time to fill out the form.

  1. Put required fields together

  2. Check which information is really important and leave them on the screen

  3. Categorize the input-fields and organize them into containers

  4. Maybe change to a Wizard rather then a large form



User hast to scroll through all lists in a Family/Group even though he just wants to add/change one information (ex. Policies)


Does not comply with the “Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Heuristic” from Nielsen. “User interfaces should be simplified as much as possible, since
every additional feature or item of information on a screen is one
more thing to learn, one more thing to possibly misunderstand,
and one more thing to search through when looking for the thing
you want.”

User gets to see 4 lists with different information. Each list itself has many columns. Only the empty lists do have 48 information label or controls which makes the page hard to read and not easy to find the needed data.



  1. Only show the lists if there is data inside.

  2. If there is no Policy, then Contributions and Payments could be hidden

  3. Change from “add” buttons in every list to one “add” button which follows a selection to choose either policy, member, contribution or payment.

  4. After adding something change the “Add” button to the “Save” button.



Undo and Redo are not fully supported


Does not comply with the “User Control Heuristc” from Nielsen. As its known that users do perform actions by mistake it should be possible to give them a “emergency exit” to leave the unwanted action.

User cannot handle actions done by mistake.

  1. Fully support undo/redo action



Reload button does not clear all values



Values will be kept in the input fields and submitted with the next save action.

  1. Bugfix



User controls are shown in the list rather then labels. The controls are read-only but they look like a possible interaction for the user. Furthermore, it is not possible to select the data entry through a control. The user needs to navigate to another area in that list entry.


Does not comply with “Consistency and Standards Heuristics

“Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Follow platform and industry conventions.”

User do not know whether they can change information directly in list entries or not. As in some modules it is possible to change a status of a entry right in the list (e.g Claim), in other it is not possible (e.g Families, poverty status).

User needs to find out by themselves whether a control is clickable or not.

  1. Decide for one constant solution of changing existing entries (in list or as dedicated page)

  2. Remove controls from lists and add informative labels

  3. Put the action buttons together as they are the secondary information in the list entry. https://m3.material.io/components/lists/guidelines#90a236ee-b587-4361-8911-34006f25a6f1

  4. Only show the buttons by hovering over the list entry or after one is selected



The selection of list entries is only indicated by the change of the background. Multiple selected entries are shown in the header. To find the selected ones, the background of each entry must be checked.


Does not comply with “Accessibility Standards” from Material UI. There it is defined, that a selector (checkbox, Radio Box) needs to indicate, whether a entry is selected or not.https://m3.material.io/components/lists/accessibility#0e7d86d6-f685-441a-b1bc-38627185a973


Does not comply with “Consistency and Standards Heuristics

“Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Follow platform and industry conventions.”

User needs to recognize the selected entries. Users are used to have the selection via a selector like checkbox or radio box through other web applications. Jakob's Law of Internet User Experience (2 min. video) (Video)

  1. Add selector to the list entries (like Moldavia installation)



No Validation of input fields given


Does not comply with “Error Prevention Heuristic

“Good error messages are important, but the best designs carefully prevent problems from occurring in the first place. Either eliminate error-prone conditions, or check for them and present users with a confirmation option before they commit to the action.”

If a user adds a not valid value into the input field and saves the change, then it can lead to a failure in the backend/DB and the user gets a error message. Hence, he needs to redo the operation, still without knowing what are the allowed values for the input field

  1. Add placeholder texts inside the inputs showing the user the syntax of the expected value

  2. Add Validation to critical fields




Change the order of the input fields for the “Location”. As some of the fields (Municipal, District and Region) have an autocomplete function, they should follow after the input with the lowest hierarchic level (Village)


Does not comply with “Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Heuristic

“Shortcuts — hidden from novice users — may speed up the interaction for the expert user so that the design can cater to both inexperienced and experienced users. Allow users to tailor frequent actions.“

Observation of user in usability test. Mentioned by user as “trick to operate faster”.

The user would be faster in adding the location by only entering the village and let the other fields be autocompleted.

  1. Change the order of the location inputs, starting with the lowest hierarchy



A lot of information is shown double times. Family head is shown in header, Family Details and Insurees detail list.


Does not comply with the “Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Heuristic” from Nielsen. “User interfaces should be simplified as much as possible, since
every additional feature or item of information on a screen is one
more thing to learn, one more thing to possibly misunderstand,
and one more thing to search through when looking for the thing
you want.”

User has to oversee a lot of duplicate information which makes it harder to find the needed data.

  1. Simplify user interfaces, so that information is not shown multiple times at several places in the user interface.



Missing Tooltips and help texts for some buttons and controls.


Does not comply with the “Help and Documentation Heuristic

“It’s best if the system doesn’t need any additional explanation. However, it may be necessary to provide documentation to help users understand how to complete their tasks.”

The user can not find additional information for controls and buttons and therefore does not know the intended usage of them. Hence, no self-supporting is possible and the user needs to ask a system specialist.

  1. Add missing Tooltips at needed controls and buttons (e.g. magnifying glass in insuree list)

  2. Add missing help texts




After adding an insuree to a existing family and changing his/her Address, the next time if you open the insuree, the Checkbox “Same Address” is ticked and the entry “Address” hidden. Same for “Village”



Different address of insurees will not be shown to user

  1. Bugfix



If you want to add a insuree from the list of all insurees then it randomly picks a (uses cached) existing family/group for you. The insuree will therefore be added to the wrong family.



With that implementation it is not possible to add an insuree with a specific family over the “add” button in the Insuree list.

  1. Bugfix

  2. Let user choose the correct family after clicking the “add” button




Once a Photo Officer was inserted and afterwards removed, then the list of Officers is not going to be provided anymore. The Search needs then a manual input.



User is blocked cause cannot select needed information

  1. Bugfix



After choosing a Relationship in the add insuree, the field adds a magnifying glass to the result. This indicates it would act as a search. Same for Profession, Education.


The Search Control is used as a usual Dropdown element. Hence, some functions of a Dropdown are available and some from a search control.

User does not know how to use the control correctly. As a search and typing characters or as a Dropdown and selecting a value from the list.

  1. Decide which control would be better suitable

  2. Implement the needed control consequently




Needed double click for choosing an element in the list.


Does not comply with “Consistency and Standards Heuristics

“Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Follow platform and industry conventions.”

Usually a List elements open a details page by one-click. Therefore the user expects to get redirected to the details page instead of having the entry just selected

  1. Set one-click event to redirect to details page

  2. Delete double-click actions



Policy can only be added from Family-Page and not as usual from the list of Policies


Does not comply with “Consistency and Standards Heuristics

“Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Follow platform and industry conventions.”

User would expect that the add button for policies is also shown in the list of policies like in “Family/Group” or “Insuree” lists.

  1. Add the “Add” Button to the list of policies

  2. Ask for the family after clicking the “Add Button”




In Policy details the “Open Family” Button is displayed on the other side than all other buttons as usually.


Does not comply with “Consistency and Standards Heuristics

“Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Follow platform and industry conventions.”

User would search the button floating on the right side, as all other buttons do in the grid header

  1. Change Buttons position to float on the right side.




Notifications after the asynchronous job are hard to find/recognize. The Notifications do not have links to the elements or a detailed error description.


Does not comply with “Error Prevention Heuristic

“Good error messages are important, but the best designs carefully prevent problems from occurring in the first place. Either eliminate error-prone conditions, or check for them and present users with a confirmation option before they commit to the action.”

The user does not know how to solve the shown error message or if it was successful the user is not able to locate the notification

  1. Change to Toasts like in “Voucher” Module

  2. Add links and more explainable texts to the error message




Search Form for Claims is too intense. There are too many possible fields without a distribution into several “search topics” or similar. Preset search filters are getting lost by the mass of fields (example “Claim Status”).


Does not comply with the “Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Heuristic” from Nielsen. “User interfaces should be simplified as much as possible, since
every additional feature or item of information on a screen is one
more thing to learn, one more thing to possibly misunderstand,
and one more thing to search through when looking for the thing
you want.”

Important preset search options are not easy to recognize. User wants to look at the result of the search, but as the search panel needs the main size of the screen

  1. Do not add all possible fields to the search

  2. Group the search fields into logical topics




Policy information in Claims are Red if inactive. This Text is the only “negative indicated” text in openIMIS with a red font color. The red color differ from the one in the status notification bar.


Does not comply with the “Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Heuristic” from Nielsen. “User interfaces should be simplified as much as possible, since
every additional feature or item of information on a screen is one
more thing to learn, one more thing to possibly misunderstand,
and one more thing to search through when looking for the thing
you want.”

User has to deal with a new, colorized information. The color is hard to read with the background of the application.

  1. Highlight the information differently.



If you are not familiar with openIMIS it is hard to find the correct page/form to add a new family or group.


Does not comply with the “Recognition Rather than Recall Heuristic

“Minimize the user's memory load by making elements, actions, and options visible. The user should not have to remember information from one part of the interface to another. Information required to use the design (e.g. field labels or menu items) should be visible or easily retrievable when needed.“

Users might be confused to work with openIMIS for the first time. Acceptance of the usage of openIMIS could drop.

  1. Create fast access buttons for the mainly used functions in the Homescreen of openIMIS

  2. Make the Family/Group page more visible/accessible to the user




At some point openIMIS does use cached data from the search fields. E.g. if you want to enter a second claim, it already allows you to push the “Add” Button even though there is no Claim-Administrator entered into the search field.


Does not comply with “Consistency and Standards Heuristics

“Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Follow platform and industry conventions.”

User will maybe not recognize that the data will be used from the cache and therefore enter the wrong e.g. Claim-Admin.

As the search field “Claim Admin.” will be empty after adding the first claim, the user will not have any information which User is going to be used for the next claim.

  1. Add the selected Claim-Admin into the search field after the first Claim added

  2. Make the user aware of, that openIMIS will use that cached data for the next “Add” action




After saving a claim this second button is shown to the user. The icon indicates a refresh but it is used as “add new claim”.




Does not comply with “Consistency and Standards Heuristics

“Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Follow platform and industry conventions.”

Only one action button should be used for primary actions https://m3.material.io/components/floating-action-button/guidelines#2f9ec481-b30d-4dc3-89d7-feb2ca7bec4d

User could misunderstand the button and think they still edit the same claim, just with a refreshed Formular.

  1. Change the icon

  2. Do not show the button here as it is inconsistent with all other modules where you cannot add more entries through the same screen

  3. Only show one primary action button




Buttons inside the header of a Grid were not recognized during the usability testing. E.g. to start a search, user clicked on the “sorting arrow” inside the list header to refresh the list rather then using the magnifying glass on the top right.


Does not comply with “Consistency and Standards Heuristics

“Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Follow platform and industry conventions.”

User could misuse the system and therefore create more errors while their confidence of using the system is going to decrease.

  1. Change button design and placement in search

  2. Change search design to a much lighter and good overlooking one




While reviewing a claim it is hard to find the reason why a claim was, for example rejected. There is only a number shown, which will provide further information if the user hovers over it


Does not comply with the “Recognition Rather than Recall Heuristic

“Minimize the user's memory load by making elements, actions, and options visible. The user should not have to remember information from one part of the interface to another. Information required to use the design (e.g. field labels or menu items) should be visible or easily retrievable when needed.“

User does not know the reason of rejection only by a number. They need to have a training and also thinking every time where to click/hover to get the reason as text.

  1. Change to Text or make the user aware that they can get further information if they navigate to the number shown


Did you encounter a problem or do you have a suggestion?

Please contact our Service Desk

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