Handover 2nd Phase
I. Inventory and Documentation
Summary of tools/technologies used:
Database: PostgreSQL
Backend: Python, Django, graphQL
Frontend: React JS
Dockerized Exteranal Components:
openFN lightning (https://github.com/openimis/openimis-lightning_dkr )
OpenSearch Dashboards
Summary of the documentation:
Assembly Modules
Backend Assembly: https://github.com/openimis/openimis-be_py/tree/coreMIS
Frontend Assembly: https://github.com/openimis/openimis-fe_js/tree/coreMIS
CoreMIS Modules
GitHub - openimis/openimis-dist_dkr: The "all in one" packaged openIMIS (docker-compose) - PostgreSQL container (db)
Dockerized Distribution
Documentation on Confluence page
http://README.md sections of all modules presented in coreMIS package
Task based update - technical details (CORE-MIS) - tasks management module maker-checker logic
Payment Funcionality migration strategy - payment modules design
Module mapping module mapping
User guides
II. Access Details
Transfer critical system/application logins.
a) coreMIS demo server - no production data
Login: Admin
Password: admin123
b) coreMIS demo lightning credential - no production data
Login: IMISUser@openimis.com
Password: IMISUserPassword
c) OpenSearch Dashboard demo server
NOTE: You have to log into openIMIS to access OpenSearch due to the nginx configuration.
Update access list post-handover.
Ensure secure credential transfer.
III. Ongoing tasks and responsibilities
List of the created but not addressed task is also available under this link https://openimis.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/CM/boards/45/backlog
IV. Environment Details
coreMIS demo server - no production data
Login: Admin
Password: admin123
coreMIS demo lightning credential - no production data
Login: IMISUser@openimis.com
Password: IMISUserPassword
OpenSearch Dashboard demo server
NOTE: you have to log into openIMIS to access openSearch
Configuration of the social-proteciton page can be based on the coreMIS branches in assembly modules https://github.com/openimis/openimis-be_py/tree/coreMIS and https://github.com/openimis/openimis-fe_js/tree/coreMIS
The frontend has additional configurations that change the position of the menu and redirect links when clicking the help icon. Here https://github.com/openimis/openimis-fe-core_js#configurations-options you can find more details how to change it (menuLeft, redirectToCoreMISConfluenceUrl
coreMIS frontend nginx.conf (openimis.conf) - here, there are additional directives for OpenSearch Dashboards.
In every module, there is a GitHub workflow (example: https://github.com/openimis/openimis-be-social_protection_py/blob/develop/.github/workflows/core-mis-test-server-deploy.yml ) to execute deployment to the test server once a PR is merged into the develop branch.
You can manually rebuild it on the GitHub Actions page, as shown in the screenshot below (see bold 'CoreMIS Server Deployment job' option):
Access to server and release process
The server is maintained by the SwissTPH team.
The openIMIS has biannual releases, occurring in April and October each year
The release process involves creating branches related to the release (release/<month-year>). Once all the necessary preparations are complete, this branch is merged into the main branch, and the packages for Python and React are created with the appropriate version tags.
The team responsible for maintaining the project is in charge of handling the releases.
V. Feedback Mechanism
For any feedback or concerns, please contact our Project Manager Artur Lebiedziński via email at alebiedzinski@soldevelo.com . This ensures all feedback is tracked and addressed promptly.
VI. Data Models of Entities Relevant For the Project
Social Protection Module:
Grievance Module:
Individual Module:
OpenSearch Reports Module:
Payer Module:
Payment Cycle Module:
Payment Module:
Payroll Module:
Tasks Management Module:
Contribution Plan Module:
Did you encounter a problem or do you have a suggestion?
Please contact our Service Desk
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/