Catalytic Implementation Fund

Catalytic Implementation Fund

  • Alexander Schrade, Senior Policy Officer, Division Population Policy, Social Protection / BMZ

For the openIMIS programme phase 2020-2023, BMZ and SDC have expanded their investment in the initiative by establishing a Catalytic Implementation Fund to support various health and social protection scheme operators covering the initial implementation costs of the software. As Alexander Schrade explains, even though the software and knowledge around openIMIS are free, there are always costs incurred for an implementation related to hardware (e.g. for server or cloud space), cost for the initial software customisation and for the training of users, those who work with the software.

The catalytic nature of the fund means, funds aimed to help catalysing the implementation process, not to provide a continuous funding stream. The sustainability of the suggested implementation cases is of high priority and will be assessed at several steps. 

Eligible to apply for support out of the Catalytic Implementation Fund are scheme operators in BMZ and SDC partner countries, who want to implement a health financing or other social protection schemes. Some aspects that indicate conditions for a sustainable implementation are a clear definition of the scheme, legal and/or policy frameworks in place and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the scheme already well defined.

  • Presentation slides (PDF)


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