MA2.1 Configure the REST API's endpoint
MA2.1 Configure the REST API's endpoint
Mobile apps need to be re-compiled with the correct server’s IP address for it to be functional.
To do so:
Open Android Studio
Open the mobile app project you want to configure (available on openIMIS github)
Find the gradle file /app/build.gradle
update the "API_BASE_URL" and the "applicationId" , for the default, and other product flavor that you see fit
productFlavors.all { buildConfigField "String", "API_BASE_URL", '"http://demo.openimis.org/rest/"' buildConfigField "boolean", "SHOW_CONTROL_NUMBER_MENU", 'false' buildConfigField "String", "RAR_PASSWORD", '")(#$1HsD"' resValue "string", "app_name", "openIMIS Policies" } productFlavors { demoProd { applicationId "org.openimis.imispolicies.demoProd" buildConfigField "String", "API_BASE_URL", '"http://demo.openimis.org/rest/"' buildConfigField "String", "RAR_PASSWORD", '")(#$1HsD"' resValue "string", "app_name", "Policies Demo" dimension = 'std' } demoRelease { applicationId "org.openimis.imispolicies.demoRelease" buildConfigField "String", "API_BASE_URL", '"http://release.openimis.org/rest/"' buildConfigField "boolean", "SHOW_CONTROL_NUMBER_MENU", 'true' resValue "string", "app_name", "Policies Release" dimension = 'std' } }
Build the app via the tools menu
The new .apk file is now available in the release folder indicated by Android Studio
, multiple selections available,
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Please contact our Service Desk
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