Conference OpenMRS 2018

Conference OpenMRS 2018

The 2018 OpenMRS Implementers Conference took place from December 4th to 8th in Nairobi. Due to the back-to-back schedule with the HELINA conference, it was not possible for us to slot in an unconference session on a possible integration of OpenMRS and openIMIS. However, a lot of side meetings allowed us to get into contact with several potential co-operators and to learn from the OpenMRS community mechanisms.

On Friday we were able to conduct a hackathon session on the integration of openIMIS and BAHMNI with the Nepalese team from Possible Health, who had placed a proposal in the Notice C call by Digital Square. That gave us an opportunity to brief Possible Health on the current status of the openIMIS Initiative and to brainstorm about the how to integrate the two systems. Thanks to the inputs by Angshumar Sarkar from ThoughtWorks, the team was given some very practical integration options for their work.

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