User guide - voucher enquire web application

User guide - voucher enquire web application

User guide - voucher enquire web application

OpenIMIS Moldova instance URL: https://imis-moldova.soldevelo.com/front/login

Admin user : SolDeveloAdmin/password123

Inspector user: SolDeveloInspector/password123

Employer user: SolDevelo SolDevelo1/admin123

Workers management

  1. To navigate to workers management list go to Workers and voucher -> Workers from drop down menu

  2. From this view workers can be deleted and also user can search for particular user using search criteria fields

  3. By double clicking user can navigate to detailed view of worker

  4. User can add new worker by clicking on ‘+’ button. After filling all fields and clicking save button new worker will be created

Voucher acquirement

  1. To navigate to voucher acquirement view user have to click Workers and voucher -> voucher acquirement from dropdown menu

  2. After that select generic voucher acquirement method from drop down menu

  3. Then fill number of vouchers that you want to buy and click acquire voucher

  4. After that summary modal will be shown

  5. Click checkbox and acquire button

  6. After that voucher should be on the voucher list and it should be possible to assign this vouchers. To do so navigate to Voucher assignment page

  7. After filling workers field and adding date range click Assign voucher button

  8. Voucher now should be assigned and ther status of voucher should be changed

  9. Second method to buy vouchers is to buy voucher immediately for specific worker, to do so select specific worker from acquirement method from dropdown menu

  10. Then select date workers, date ranges and click acquire voucher

  11. Similar confirmation modal with summary will popup, click checkbox and click acquire

  12. On the list voucher will be shown as assigned and awaiting payment

Voucher payment

  1. After user created voucher, he is now able to pay via mpay

  2. To do so navigate to Payments → Bills


  1. After selecting Bill user is redirected to single bill view where all bought vouchers are visible


  1. When user click blue button ‘Pay via MPAY’ he is redirected to mpay where he can finish payment.

Price management

NOTE: This functionality is visible only for admin user

  1. For voucher price management, to change voucher price through time, navigate to Administration -> voucher price management from main menu

  2. To add new price for some date range fill price, start and end date and click Confirm voucher price

  3. New date should be added to list

  4. User can delete some date range by clicking trash bin icon, then row with data will be greyed out

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