User guide - voucher enquire mobile app
0. App installation
Install on physical android device
Download apk file from openimis-voucher-enquire-16-1c2bf0e3a6825900d139ed82c61683bff031638f (1).zip
Unzip file and copy apk file to android device
Install app on mobile device
Install on emulator
Install android studio from Download Android Studio & App Tools - Android Developers
Follow instructions from Run apps on the Android Emulator | Android Studio | Android Developers
Make sure when creating virtual machine you select system image with abi x86_64, else it won't be possible to run application
Login page
Precondition: To obtain credentials to mobile application, inspector has to login to web application through Mpass. Then he has to set a password (which should be different from password to web application) for mobile application. After that the user should be able to access the voucher enquire application.
After opening app logo and empty login fields appears
When user provides wrong credentials and clicking ‘Confirm button’ red caption shows up “The password or the username you’ve entered is incorrect”
After inspector provides correct credentials he’s redirected to view with national ID check
Worker voucher check view
Box with national id input field should be visible
When user provides valid national id and clicks confirm, then new view with worker and voucher data should be displayed
Worker information section should contain National ID, Name and Surname
Voucher section should contain indicator label if voucher is active or not, employer data, issued date and assignment date
If worker entity exists, but he has no active vouchers then view with worker data and empty list of voucher with appropriate information will be shown
If worker national ID does not exist in the system then appropriate error message will pop up
From this view user should be able to go back to previous view or log out
Did you encounter a problem or do you have a suggestion?
Please contact our Service Desk
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