Session III: Building Capacities
Community Group (Documentation):
For Breakout Session (Non-technical):
Presentation of Survey Results/ For Validation of the Participants (What did we miss? What areas do you think we need to specify?)
Expectations of Activities Communities of Practice
How to build ownership
Stories (publishing)
Have monthly sessions to discuss (synthesis frm developers, etc)
Roadmap for development (based on market/ market assessment)
Toumai* (challenge on translating resources to french)
Change management process (manual to digital)
Annual and bi-annual sharing
Community for health insurance (dialogue)
Translating business requirements into implementation
Getting to know community members
Getting to know the software
Guidance on how to join the openIMIS community
Welcome package for new members (for onboarding)
Guidance for pilot implementations
Strengthening existing implementations
Knowledge sharing
Site-visits/knowledge exchange among implementers
Shared framework of knowledge/understanding
Sharing of implementation experiences
Effective data management and analysis for policy formulation/regulation
Technical-related (Learn how to get technical support through the community of practice)
Context-based development and customization
Efficient claim and user management
The design, and implementation of BI and AI in claim processing
How to make it operate faster/avoid slowness
Guidance on catalytic funding (Learn how the catalytic funding works and how we can have a local entity provide technical support through the catalytic funding)
Topics of Interest in the Communities of Practice
openIMIS Community Experience, Innovations, and Future Expectations (both implementers and developers)
Country Implementation experience (what went well, what went wrong/challenges, integration-related, customization)
Resource mobilization
openIMIS software
System integrations
System scalability
Reduction of fraud
Following up on the payment of bills
System's features and establishment requirements
Various reports and indicators that can be generated from data in the openIMIS
How various health financing approach like capitation is managed in the openIMIS
Data analytics, BI and AI
How the platform can be improved
Implementation of modules relevant to the social protection delivery chain with openIMIS
Universal health coverage
Onboarding new implementers
Training materials (ex: Basic implementation schemes information)
Identification of gaps and how to address the gaps
Channels for Support
Global openIMIS developers deep dive discussion
openIMIS wiki
Needs-based virtual meetings
Redmine (Cameroon)
GIZ in-country offices
Local vendors
openIMIS coordination desk
Other partners
Preferred Communication Channel
Messaging Chat Group
Community Channel
Preferred Frequency of Meetings
Monthly (once a month)
Other Feedback
As a systems designer/developer working with NHIF, I would like to learn more from the community and share the information with NHIF management with a view of seeing possibilities of Implementing BI and AI using openIMIS in claim processing
currently, the long delay of payment is the most challenges to achieve the objectives of implementing of health financing mechanisms. i wondered if openimis could creat a schemes that could be a kind of alert for central level authorities (MOH and MOF)
1. Mobile version of IMIS will be beneficial 2. feature for telemedicine will also be beneficial too 3. Data analysis tools and an effective dashboard 4. let it be complete ERP/CRM system instead of integrating other modules
openIMIS is actually a great tool that needs all the available support to permit it respond to the great needs for digital tools for UHC in most developing countries
The idea of Community OpenIMIS is a strong base for bringing the implementors and developers together and have a common language
II. Action planning based on challenges
Challenges | How can we, as members of the openIMIS communities of practice, support each other to address the gaps/challenges identified? |
| What do I miss if I don’t join the community? (In terms of messaging)
Before and after implementation (need to illustrate
Show how data translate from hospitals to national)
Pilot models; ensuring successful pilots
Precise topics, selecting the right topics in fora
Different format for meetings
Feasibility studies (articulating what change can openIMIS bring/ what value does the change management bring?)
Costed business case/template that will demonstrate openIMIS functionalities; futuristic |
| Local content(what openIMIS can do to improve the capacity of local people)
Flexible, scalable, opportunity to do capacity-building
Publish companies that are able to support the product and up to what degree
Clarity on compensation for assistance (demand for openIMIS is growing)
On the topic of volunteerism in the community to share knowledge with each other
Learning from each other to avoid duplication of work and starting from scratch |
| Highlighting success stories
Strong communications materials for decision-makers (see governance component in the beginning of the table*)
Communication materials to show the conditions required to implement openIMIS (which is highly tied to political decision-makers)
Taking advantage of communications channel (chat groups); ex: whatsapp widely used in Africa
Networked communities (social network): Acces to developers across the world
Positive impacts of using openIMIS that can attract the interest of people (comparative study)
Feedback on wiki: very technical (need popular medium like newsletters)