Session III: Building Capacities

Session III: Building Capacities

Community Group (Documentation):

For Breakout Session (Non-technical):


  1. Presentation of Survey Results/ For Validation of the Participants (What did we miss? What areas do you think we need to specify?)


  1. Expectations of Activities Communities of Practice 

  • How to build ownership

  • Stories (publishing) 

  • Have monthly sessions to discuss (synthesis frm developers, etc)

  • Roadmap for development (based on market/ market assessment)

  • Toumai* (challenge on translating resources to french)

  • Change management process (manual to digital)

  • Annual and bi-annual sharing

  • Community for health insurance (dialogue)

  • Translating business requirements into implementation

  • Getting to know community members

  • Getting to know the software

  • Guidance on how to join the openIMIS community

    • Welcome package for new members (for onboarding)

  • Guidance for pilot implementations

  • Strengthening existing implementations

  • Knowledge sharing

    • Site-visits/knowledge exchange among implementers

    • Shared framework of knowledge/understanding

    • Sharing of implementation experiences

  • Governance

    • Effective data management and analysis for policy formulation/regulation

  • Technical-related (Learn how to get technical support through the community of practice)

    • Context-based development and customization

    • Efficient claim and user management

      • The design, and implementation of BI and AI in claim processing

    • How to make it operate faster/avoid slowness

  • Guidance on catalytic funding (Learn how the catalytic funding works and how we can have a local entity provide technical support through the catalytic funding)


  1. Topics of Interest in the Communities of Practice

  • openIMIS Community Experience, Innovations, and Future Expectations (both implementers and developers)

    • Country Implementation experience (what went well, what went wrong/challenges, integration-related, customization)

  • Resource mobilization

  • openIMIS software

    • Customization

    • System integrations

    • System scalability

    • Reduction of fraud

    • Following up on the payment of bills

    • System's features and establishment requirements

    • Various reports and indicators that can be generated from data in the openIMIS

    • How various health financing approach like capitation is managed in the openIMIS

    • Data analytics, BI and AI

    • How the platform can be improved

    • Implementation of modules relevant to the social protection delivery chain with openIMIS 

  • Universal health coverage

  • Capacity-building

    • Onboarding new implementers

    • Training materials (ex: Basic implementation schemes information)

    • Identification of gaps and how to address the gaps



  1. Channels for Support

  • Global openIMIS developers deep dive discussion 

  • openIMIS wiki

  • Needs-based virtual meetings

  • Experience-sharing

  • Jira

  • Redmine (Cameroon)

  • Toumai

  • GIZ in-country offices

  • Local vendors

  • openIMIS coordination desk

  • Other partners


  1. Preferred Communication Channel

  • Email

  • Messaging Chat Group

  • Community Channel


  1. Preferred Frequency of Meetings

  • Monthly (once a month)



  1. Other Feedback


  • As a systems designer/developer working with NHIF, I would like to learn more from the community and share the information with NHIF management with a view of seeing possibilities of Implementing BI and AI using openIMIS in claim processing

  • currently, the long delay of payment is the most challenges to achieve the objectives of implementing of health financing mechanisms. i wondered if openimis could creat a schemes that could be a kind of alert for central level authorities (MOH and MOF)

  • 1. Mobile version of IMIS will be beneficial 2. feature for telemedicine will also be beneficial too 3. Data analysis tools and an effective dashboard 4. let it be complete ERP/CRM system instead of integrating other modules

  • openIMIS is actually a great tool that needs all the available support to permit it respond to the great needs for digital tools for UHC in most developing countries

  • The idea of Community OpenIMIS is a strong base for bringing the implementors and developers together and have a common language



II. Action planning based on challenges



How can we, as members of the openIMIS communities of practice, support each other to address the gaps/challenges identified?

  • Governance

    • Internal processes (approval takes longer, etc)

    • Getting buy-in


What do I miss if I don’t join the community? (In terms of messaging)


Before and after implementation (need to illustrate


Show how data translate from hospitals to national)


Pilot models; ensuring successful pilots


Precise topics, selecting the right topics in fora


Different format for meetings


Feasibility studies (articulating what change can openIMIS bring/ what value does the change management bring?)


Costed business case/template that will demonstrate openIMIS functionalities; futuristic

  • Human Resources

    • Access/Need for global expertise


Local content(what openIMIS can do to improve the capacity of local people)


Flexible, scalable, opportunity to do capacity-building


Publish companies that are able to support the product and up to what degree


Clarity on compensation for assistance (demand for openIMIS is growing)

  • Saurav: opportunities are available on the wiki page


On the topic of volunteerism in the community to share knowledge with each other

  • Shoutout to Bluesquare and SwissTPH


Learning from each other to avoid duplication of work and starting from scratch 

  • Communications

  • Miscommunication (over developers’ email)

  • Training materials outdated (visual outdated, not enough examples, not clear for basic user)

Highlighting success stories


Strong communications materials for decision-makers (see governance component in the beginning of the table*)


Communication materials to show the conditions required to implement openIMIS (which is highly tied to political decision-makers)


Taking advantage of communications channel (chat groups); ex: whatsapp widely used in Africa


Networked communities (social network): Acces to developers across the world 


Positive impacts of using openIMIS that can attract the interest of people (comparative study)


Feedback on wiki: very technical (need popular medium like newsletters)

  • need to share the existing newsletter 

  • note: need to sign up for the newsletter

  • Suggestion: release call for topics for the newsletter (which is based on the demand on topics from this session)

  • Technical

    • Siloed systems

    • Bugs in the last release, slowness of system once deployed

    • Need more support in customization 

    • Complex interface from end user perspective

    • Interoperability with existing systems (ex: billing, etc)