Briefing material

NOTE: This overview presents a selection of latest publications on social protection and health insurance / financing, partly digital solutions in both sectors. It does not claim to be exhaustive!

Additions and comments to this list are very welcome.


International Labour Organisation (Dec 2022), Child labour and social protection in Nepal, Policy Brief (2023), Extending contribution-based social security schemes for workers in the informal economy and self-employed in Nepal (Oct 2021), Challenges and Opportunities Around Contribution-based Social Security in Nepal (2021), Social Protection Responses to COVID-19 in Nepal-Report


 Human Rights Watch (Feb 2023), Nepal’s Social Protection System Reinforces Inequality - Expand the Child Grant; Include Informal Workers (Dec 2022), Nepal: End Mistreatment of Urban Poor - Policies against Street Vendors, Landless People, Begging Violate Rights


UNICEF (Sep 2020), Social Protection - Budget Brief (Nepal)


Red Cross EU office (2022), Piloting Shock Responsive Social Protection in Nepal Through Cash Assistance – Activities


The International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (Sep 2020), COVID-19 and social protection in South Asia: Nepal (Nov 2021), Social protection profile: Nepal


Save the children (Jan 2022), Breaking Barriers to Access Social Protection: a review of Save the Children’s approach in Nepal


World Bank

Investing in an Integrated Social Registry for Nepal (


Health Research Policy and Systems (2023), Evaluation of the National Health Insurance Program of Nepal: are political promises translated into actions?


Front Public Health (2022), Adopting social health insurance in Nepal: A mixed study


Int J Health Plann Manage (2022), Implementation bottlenecks of the National Health Insurance program in Nepal: Paving the path towards Universal Health Coverage: A qualitative study

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