Funder Group (previously 'Steering Group')

Funder Group (previously 'Steering Group')

The primary function of the openIMIS Funder Group is to provide strategic direction and resources for the continued work of the openIMIS Initiative. The Funder Group will monitor and review the status of the Initiative, discuss and coordinate on proposals for potential implementations, and provide guidance for the roadmap of openIMIS.

Members of the Funder Group ensure that the Initiative’s overall vision is maintained, and the direction of the initiative remains efficient and effective. For more detailed information on tasks and the composition of the Steering Group you might want to consult the detailed Terms of Reference of the Steering Group.


The current openIMIS Funder Group is formed by representatives of:

  • German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ, since 2016)

  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC, since 2012)

  • European Union represented by European Commission (EU, since 2024)

Funder Group Meeting

The Funder Group will meet at least every six months, virtually or in-person. Previously held public Steering Group Meetings are documented. The minutes of the meetings are published in this Wiki.


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