2023-01-09 Gumzo ya Mwezi

Gumzo ya Mwezi

The monthly chat (kiswahili: gumzo ya mwezi) will help the developer teams to show-case their achievements to the developers committee and to interested members of the implementers committee. The gumzo is oriented at Scrum review sessions: let's celebrate the achievements of the past month!


Date: 09.01.2023

Time: 11:00 am (UTC)

Room: https://meet.jit.si/openIMISDevelopers - kindly indicate your name and organisation (jitsi claims to support Chrome, Chromium & MS Edge and Firefox browsers only.  You might also want to try the jitsi app)

Evaluation form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekY3IntsvuYQQbv3YZFYGYDN-9XiotCqOodDBSIv2uyib8fQ/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.1454293169=Monthly+Gumzo&entry.1968821444=2023-01-09

Participants: (kindly only add yourself, not others):

  • @Uwe Wahser

  • @Marco Kalin

  • @Hiren Soni

  • @Eric Darchis

  • @Thibault Dethier


The call is specifically addressed to the Developers Committee and the Implementers Committee. Each session consists of 10 minutes presentation plus 5 minutes Q&A - please have your bio breaks before the event

Please prepare your presentations with an eye on:

  • what did we achieve last month

  • where are problems

  • where do we want to go next month

  • rough estimation on the remaining time budget and workload



  • Happy New Year!

SwissTPH - 3rd Level support and release planning


Time budget remaining and workload remaining:


BlueSquare - T3: Modular Transformation

Presentation: no presentation this time

Time budget and workload remaining: closed since August, contributing voluntarily


Y-Note - Customization Cameroon


Time budget remaining and workload remaining:


m4h - Customization Ethiopia


Time budget remaining and workload remaining: closed since September, contributing voluntarily



Other Topics

  • password loss of admin account on demo server doesn’t seem to be software related


Please fill the evaluation form after every call (see link in top ). The results will be updated here, if there is feedback:



Overall mood (status):

GFL:     General feeling about the meeting [very disappointed … very glad]
PRG:     General feeling about project progress (own project) [big trouble … great success]
USE:    Usefulness of the meeting (for own project) [not at all … very much]

Event parameters of the meeting (XYZ needs to be ...):

DET:    Degree of detail [more condensed … more detailed]
FRQ:    Frequency of the event [fewer … more]
LEN:    Length of the event [shorter … longer]
MOD:    Moderation [stricter … more open]


Did you encounter a problem or do you have a suggestion?

Please contact our Service Desk

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