Boîte à outils d'évaluation rapide

Boîte à outils d'évaluation rapide

To be translated in French


This toolkit is meant for organisations who want to assess their readiness for openIMIS.


We recommend that you go through this self-assessment after (a) you have gone through a Scheme Analysi s and established the merit of adopting openIMIS for your business processes, and (b) your organisation is willing to commit to certain investments to run the system.

This toolkit is a self-administered questionnaire. 

Please go directly to the <Questionnaire> worksheet when you finished reading this instruction page. Responses to the questions are preselected and can be viewed by clicking the drop down button.  Please select the responses that best represent your organisation. If you are unclear  about the pre-selected responses, the <Definition> worksheet provides a brief explanation of the terms. You enter your responses in column E. A 'Remarks' column is provided in case a response needs further elaboration.

Your responses are weighted and given scores. They are then aggregated to render capacity scores as to your operations, human resources and hardware vis-a-vis the requirements for openIMIS. The <Summary  Sheet> shows your overall readiness  score. This sheet is automatically generated according to your responses.

It is best to validate your responses to the questionnaire with relevant members or your staff. The openIMIS Global Initiative can also help by walking you through the questionnaire.


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