How to take photos for openIMIS

How to take photos for openIMIS

Visuell impressions from the openIMIS country implementations can help to demonstrate the impact of the open-source software in in social protection schemes and health care systems. The openIMIS initiative is always grateful for many photos or video footage of scheme operators using the software and/or beneficaries, because they contribute to spreading openIMIS further into the world. If you are taking photos for the openIMIS initiative, there are a few things to keep in mind.


Consent Form

The openIMIS Initiative wants to make sure that that no one is photographed against their will. If the face is clearly visible in the photo, we want to make sure that people are happy to support the openIMIS initiative by allowing us to use the photo. If the consent form has not been documented, we cannot use it for our public relations activities ( European General Data Protection Regulation) . For this reason, we have created a template for the declaration of consent, with which the consent of photographed persons can be obtained in an uncomplicated manner. In this document, the persons only need to provide their name, date and place of the photo and a signature. At an event, the consent form can be presented at the reception with a request for signature.


Code on the representation of people in photos and videos


The openIMIS initiative is committed to ensuring that people are portrayed with dignity. That is why we should address the following questions in the after-viewing of images.

  • Will the dignity of others be respected in the use of the proposed photograph or message?

  • Would the people concerned find this photo or message a fair and truthful representation?

  • Would the use of this photo or message offend or hurt anyone?

  • Could this photo or message contribute to stereotyping people, places or situations culturally or ethnically?

  • Do I want my child to be portrayed this way or myself to be portrayed this way?


Did you encounter a problem or do you have a suggestion?

Please contact our Service Desk

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/