

The following are some key requirements necessary for a successful and effective implementation of the openIMIS software.

Expert assessments

It is strongly recommended that experts in social protection IT systems are consulted prior to implementation of the software, to assist with feasibility and scalability assessments. Expertise from openIMIS is also freely accessible, to anyone using the software, through the online community and support services.

User analysis

It is important to fully understand roles and needs of target users (staff and administrators) of the system into which the openIMIS software will be integrated, including the necessary access rights at all levels.

Complimentary software

openIMIS automates the management of healthcare insurance systems through the computerization of data and processes. While it can accomplish key stages in the development of a computerized system, additional data-collection and analysis tools are required to realize a fully computerized management process.

Communication strategy

A carefully calibrated marketing and awareness-raising strategy needs to be in place prior to implementation. This strategy will need to consider what information beneficiaries require (e.g. policy cover, pricing, claims procedures) and how best to disseminate that information.

Common terms

It is critical to identify and resolve any differences in the terminology used by the openIMIS software and the organization/system itself. Failure to reach common terms across platforms and organizations can result in confusion and inefficiencies.

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