Voucher number verification

Voucher number verification


In Voucher Scheme, there are in average 15.000 vouchers printed every month for the three regions implementing this scheme. By 2023, the scheme will be rolled out nationally, so much more vouchers will be printed every day.

Each voucher has a unique serial number printed on it. During the pregnant woman enrolment process, the unique serial number is used as the insuree number. The scheme wants to reduce fraud and make sure that the voucher number is automatically recognized by the system, meaning it is not used by any other registered women and that it is a MoH official printed voucher. openIMIS already checks the uniqueness of the insuree number in the system. The scope of the following specification covers the validation of the voucher authenticity.


Solution 1

  • Pre-registration of the vouchers numbers as Insurees and Family with no personal information.

  • During the enrolment, the Insuree and Family entries having the voucher number presented by the pregnant women will be modified to add personal information, picture (optional) and attach a policy.

  • Required developments in WebApp:

    • update/create import tool to load a list of voucher serial number and create the Insuree and Family entries

    • add checkbox in search Family form to filter Families without policy

  • Required developments in Policies app:

    • Synchronize all Families without a policies (get not enrolled vouchers)

    • Search Family to modify from local DB instead of pulling from the server if no network connection available

  • Pros:

    • limited developments

    • all voucher numbers are already present in the system

  • Cons:

    • Offline mode difficult to manage: big data set to record in local DB

Solution 2

  • Printed voucher numbers will be recorded in the openIMIS database specific table

  • During the enrolment, the woman’s details are entered, with her voucher number. There is an automatic check at this point to make sure the voucher is authentic.

  • Required developments in WebApp:

    • Import tool for specific table

    • Validation of voucher (insurance) number during enrolment (escape procedure) based on the specific table

    • once the enrolment is complete, the specific voucher number should be removed from the specific table

  • Required development in Policies app:

    • Synchronize all voucher numbers and register them in a specific table (based on the latest status of the central DB)

    • Validation of voucher (insurance) number during enrolment (escape procedure) based on the specific table

    • once the enrolment is complete, the specific voucher number should be removed or marked as used from the specific table

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