Gambia: Scheme workflows and openIMIS adaptation

Gambia: Scheme workflows and openIMIS adaptation

Functional Scope

Functional Area


Household Registration

Definition of a Household Registration Period (or Targeting Period)

Provide for bulk import of Excel datasets

Provide for Manual Entry of a household using a web form

Allow for registering self-exclusion during registration

Provide for the use of a CAPI (e.g. KoBo Toolbox, ODK) tool for household registration

Duplication Analysis and Adjudication – allow flagging duplicates

Flagging of the Cash Recipient and/or Alternate

Supervisory closure at national level of the household Registration

Produce a potential beneficiary list report.

Enrolment (Data cleaning and Enrolment of beneficiaries with payment service provider)

Setting up Payment Service providers in the MIS

Produce enrolment lists to be shared with PSP

Receive Enrolment Data from PSP, including

Pay points and Payment Mechanisms

Import enrolment data (Pay Point) through the online Portal

Generate Enrolment Report for approval & Supervisory closure of the Enrolment process

Payments (preparation and disbursement of beneficiary payments)

Definition of payment parameters, e.g. Benefit Type, value, frequency of transfers, payment cycles,

Produce Payrolls – downloadable Data files but read-only

Supervisory approval at the national level of payroll

Generate funds request report based on the Payroll, & target groups, payment cycles (entitlement amounts and arrears).

Transfer Payroll to PSP (manually, Auto-API)

Receive Payment reconciliation files from PSP

Upload of payment reconciliation files for all credited and non-credited households. Reconciliation files should include reason for non-credits (e.g., self-exclusion, absent, etc)

Produce post-payroll Reports

a.     Credited Households Report.

b.     Un-credited Households Report. (Enrolled households not credited).

c.     Three (3) Missed Payments Report

Supervisory closure of post-payroll exceptions and payroll period at the national level

Mobile Tool for payments administration compatible with PSP technology, with support for offline transactions and the ability to capture the Authentication Approach (e.g., Community verification, National ID or any other ID, or possibly capture photo of cash recipient) and additional data that may be needed from the household

Generation of Unique Payment Transaction Numbers/Voucher that can be traced back to the household


We maintained use cases related to cash transfer and extended the design to suit the program needs. This includes but not limited to the following;

  1. Household considered as family or groups in the health scheme

  2. Health Services Provider such as hospitals and in our case considered as the Payment Service Providers

  3. Products which was ported to hold the program related attributes. The cash transfer application developed allows an institution to have more than one cash transfer project running concurrently with the possibility of the following;

    1. A household member can be in different programs

    2. A household member can be restricted to only 1 program

    3. A program has a definition of start and end period, household members cannot be added to a program when it ends nor records associated with the program be editable.

    4. A maximum number of households to a program can be defined

    5. The amount to be transferred to the household is captured at a program level

  4. A Payroll Module was introduced with the following use cases;

    1. Define payroll cycle for a program and period to be covered

    2. Generate Payroll based on a program and region associated with it.

    3. Review and approve Payroll

    4. Export Payroll data to be shared with Payment service providers

    5. Bulk update of the payment information by the payment service providers to report payments made and those not paid for reporting purposes

    6. Closure of a payroll cycle and prevention of any additional changes

  5. Reporting: we used the same reporting module and created our reports to suit our needs.


Actors use case diagram

Use cases workflow


Deployment and Go LIVE

The platform is deployed on Microsoft Azure with SQL Server enterprise with SSRS enable. The dashboards are generated using the mobile reporting features of the SSRS.

Data Cleaning and Importation

The system was to rely on an existing data provided by the National Disaster Management Agency of the Gambia. This data was collected during the rice distribution to the COVID-19 emergency response containing only few variables (Beneficiary name, region, district, settlement, telehpone # and number of household members). The data was cleaned to remove duplicates. A registration form was built using Kobo toolbox allowing the team to collect the missing data and also registered individuals that were not registered initial. An additional use case is built within the platform to take this into consideration; update the missing fields and create new records and created an exception flow for the payroll generation considering the payroll has already been generated and approved for that cycle.


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