Invoices (User Manual)

Invoices (User Manual)



In order to create an invoice a family must be enrolled. Navigate to the Families/Groups under Insurees and Policies menu and find the family you wish to create an invoice for.

Ones the family is located create a new policy. In order to know how to create a new policy head over to the Policy page.

Ones the policy is created navigate to the Invoices under Legal and Finance menu



Newly created invoices can be found here.



The Invoices is the first step in the process of finding an invoice and thereafter accessing an invoice. This initial page can be used to search for specific invoices based on specific criteria. The panel is divided into two main panels.

An invoice can be deleted by clicking on the trash icon from the right side of the list. Ones the user click on the trash icon, they will be prompted with a confirmation dialog. The payment will be either deleted or the operation will be cancelled depending on the action selected from the confirmation dialog.


Img. 169 Confirmation dialog to delete an invoice

Search Panel

The Search Panel allows a user to select specific criteria to minimise the search result. In the case of invoices the following search options are available which can be used alone or in combination with eath other.


Select the Subject; from the list of subjects by clicking on the arrow on the right of the sector to select invoices from a specific subject.

Invoices can be filtered by the following subjects

  • Contract (Invoices created for contracts)

  • Family (Invoices created for families by creating policies)


Select the Recipient; from the list of recipients by clicking on the arrow on the right of the sector to select invoices from a specific recipient.

Invoices can be filtered by the following recipients

  • Insuree (Invoice for a specific insuree)

  • Policy Holder (Invoice for a specific organization)


Enter the Code of the either Insuree or Policy Holder depending on the Recipient to select invoices for a specific code.

Date Invoice

Use the date selector to enter the Date Invoice to search for invoices with an Invoice Date equal or earlier than the specified date.


Select the Status; from the list of statuses by clicking on the arrow on the right of the sector to select invoices from a specific subject.

An invoice can have the following statuses

  • Draft

  • Validated (When the invoice is generated)

  • Paid (When the invoice is fully paid)

  • Canceled (When the invoice is canceled)

  • Deleted (When the invoice is deleted from the system)

  • Suspended

Amount Total

Type in a positive Invoice Amount to search for invoices with a total amount equal or greater than the typed amount. For example if 1000 is entered, then only invoices with an amount equal or greater than 1,000 will be displayed.

Result Panel

The result panel displays a list of all invoices found matching the selected criteria in the search panel. The current selected record is highlighted. On the right side of the row you can find all the actions available. You can also double click on an invoice to view the invoice deatils.


Img. 170 Edit invoice, Delete invoice

Invoice Page

Img. 171 Invoice detail

General information

General information about the selected invoice

Line Items

Img. 172 Items in the invoice

Search criteria

List of the items in an invoice can be filtered by search criteria panel. Here are the possible search parameters. The result of the search can be seen in the panel below.


Enter the item code to filter the items by code


Enter the full description or a part of the description to filter the item list

Ledge Account

Enter the full or part of the ledger account to filter the item list


Enter the quantity to filter the item list by quantity

Unit Price

Enter the unit price to filter the item list by unit price


Enter the discount amount to filter the item list by discount


Enter the deduction amount to filter the item list by deduction amount

Amount Total

Enter the total amount to filter the item list by amount

Amount next

Enter the net amount to filter the list by net amount


Img. 173 Payments for the selected invoice

Search criteria

List of the payments for the selected invoice can be filtered by search criteria panel. Here are the possible search parameters. The result of the search can be seen in the panel below.

Reconciliation Status


Img. 174 Reconciliation status filter


Select the reconciliation status of the payments to filter the payment. Following are the possible statuses.

  • Not reconciliated (The payment has not been reconciliated yet)

  • Reconciliated (The payment has been reconciliated in the system)

  • Refunded (The payment has beed refunded)

  • Cancelled (The payment has been cancelled)


Enter the payment code to filter the payment list


Enter the label to filter the payment list by label text

Code Thirdparty

Enter the Code thirdparty to filter the payment list by third party code text

Receipt number

Enter the receipt number to filer the payment list by the receipt number


Enter the fees amount to filter the payment list by fees amount

Amount Receieved

Enter the amount receieved to filter the payment liset by received amount

Payment Date

Use the date selector to enter the Payment Date to search for payments with a Payment Date equal or earlier than the specified date.

Payment origin

Enter the payment origin to filter the payment list by the origin of the payment

Payer Reference

Enter the payer reference to filter the payment list by payer

Create new Payment

To enter a new payment for the selected invoice. Click on the Add (+) icon



This will open up the following form to enter the payment detail


Img. 176 New payment

Reconciliation Status

Select the reconciliation status of the payment. Mandatory. Different types of statuses can be found Img. 174


Select the status of the payment. Mandatory. Following are the possible status of the payment

  • Rejected (The payment is rejected)

  • Accepted (The payment is accepted)

  • Refunded (This is the refund)

  • Cancelled (The payment has been cancelled)

Payer Reference

Enter the payment reference. Mandatory

Payer Name

Enter the name of the payer. Mandatory


Enter the unique payment code. Mandatory


Enter the label text for the payment. Mandatory

Code Thirdparty

Enter the third party code for the payment. Mandatory

Receipt number

Enter the unique receipt number for the payment. Mandatory


Enter the fees amount for the payment. Mandatory

Amount received

Enter the amount received. Mandatory

Payment Date

Use the date selector to enter the Payment Date. Mandatory

Payment origin

Enter the origin of the payment. Mandatory


Ones all the details are filled out, click on the CREATE button to create a new payment for the selected invoice. User can click on the CANCEL button to cancel the operation.


Img. 177 Payment List

Ones a new payment is created successfully, it can be found under the Payments tab.

The payment can be deleted by clicking on the trash icon from the right side of the list. Ones the user click on the trash icon, they will be prompted by a confirmation dialog. The payment will be either deleted or the operation will be cancelled depending on the action selected from the confirmation dialog.


Img. 178 Confirmation dialog to delete the payment



Img. 179 Messages/Comments for the payment

Events tab conitans all the events happened during the payment process. The entry in this tab can come in two different ways. First is generated automatically by the backend and second is manually added by a user.

Search criteria

List of the events for the selected invoice can be filtered by search criteria panel. Here are the possible search parameters. The result of the search can be seen in the panel below.


Select the Type of the event. Following are the possible Types of the events

  • Message (Indicates the information message generated either manually or by the backend)

  • Status (Indicates the status change in payment by the backend)

  • Warning (Indicates any warning during the payment processing)

  • Payment (Indicates the payment has been processed)

  • Payment Error (Indicates the error during processing the payment)


Enter the keyword in message to filter the event list.

Create new Comment

To enter a new message for the selected invoice. Click on the Add (+) icon



This will open up the following form to enter a new comment/message




Enter the message. Mandatory


Ones the message is entered click on the CREATE button to create a new comment for the selected invoice. User can click on the CANCEL button to cancel the operation.


Img. 181 Comment list

Ones a new comment is added successfully, it can be found under the EVENTS tab.






This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/