Policyholder (User Manual)

Policyholder (User Manual)



Before configuring the policyholder, and the to-be-covered insuree; the insurees must be known in openIMIS and at least a product, a contribution plan and a contribution plan bundle must be configured.

All functionality for use with the administration of Policyholder can be found under the main menu Insurees and Policies, sub menu Policyholder.


Img. 159 Navigation Policyholders

Clicking on the sub menu Policyholder re-directs the current user to the Find Policyholder Page.


Img. 160 Search Policyholders

Search Page

  1. Search criteria
    Code of the policyholder, often given during the registration process
    Trade name

    Name of the policyholder


    Location of the policyholder

    Legal Form

    Legal form of the policyholder

    Activity code

    Code of the policyholder activity

    Date Valid from/to

    Period on which the policyholder is considered as valid for the scheme (eg. creation date / liquidation date)

    Show deleted

    Show deleted policyhodler

  2. Reset search criteria

  3. Apply the search criteria

  4. Result pane

    The columns name definitions match with the search criteria definitions. The rows are the serach results.

  5. Delete policyholder

    Confirmation pop up is displayed

  6. Edit policyholder

    As doubleclick on the line, clicking on that button will open the policyholder Page

  7. standard notification panel for async message (deletion / creation / updates … )



General Information

  • Code
    Code of the policyholder, often given during the registration process

  • Trade name
    Name of the policyholder

  • Region/District/Municipality/Village
    Location of the policyholder

  • Legal Form
    Legal form of the policyholder

  • Activity code
    Code of the policyholder activity

  • Validity date from/to
    Period on which the policyholder is considered as valid for the scheme (eg. creation date / liquidation date)

  • Address
    Address of the policyholder

  • Phone
    Phone of the policyholder

  • Fax
    Fax of the policyholder

  • Email
    Email of the policyholder

  • Contact Name
    Name of the contact

  • Accountancy code

  • Bank Account

  • Payment reference

Policyholder insuree tab


Img. 161 Navigation Policyholders Insuree

This tab shows the insuree linked to the policyholder


  • Insuree number

  • Contribution bundle plan

  • Date Valid from/to: Period on which the insuree is attached to the policyholder

  • Show deleted: show deleted link between policyholder and insuree

Reset and aply search button are using the same icon as the policyholder.

“Create new policyholder Insuree” button will open a creation pop up.


See search part of the columns descriptions.

In addition to the standard column, the calcualtion column shows default parameters that are pulled from the calcuation rules, in the picture the income is display in that column. Once a contract is created, the data is duplicated on the contract details and might be modified for a specific contract.

Edit button will open a edit popup

Delete button will open a confirmation popup

Duplicate will open a creation popup

Contribution plan tab

This tab is used to link Contribution plan to policyholder in order to reduce the possible Contribution plan choice for the policyholders.

See contribution plan page for more details on contribution plan.

Payement tab

This tab shows the payments linked to policyholder contract.

See payment page for more details on payment.

Policyholder user

This tab is used to see User that that dedicated rights for this policyholder (that user might not be able to see other policyholder).

See policyholder page.


This tabs show the policyholder contract.

See contract page for more details on contract.

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