Launching of IMIS Claims2

Launching of IMIS Claims2


To launch the application IMIS Policies just click on the icon of the application. Users must have a valid code of an enrolment officer (present in the register of enrolment officers in the web IMIS) and they must have a valid User Name and Password provided by an administrator of the web IMIS for selected functionalities. The User Name data field in login pages is prefilled with enrolment officer code entered while launching the application. The reason is that the web IMIS can create automatically a user record simultaneously with an entry of a new enrolment officer into the register of enrolment officers. Such automatically created user has its User Name equal to the enrolment officer code. However, this prefilled User Name can re-written by any valid User Name in the application IMIS Policies.

The Initial Page will appear:

Image 1.1.1 (Initial Page)

Enter a valid enrolment officer code and click on the button OK. If a valid enrolment officer code is entered, the application will re-direct to the Home Page.

Image 1.1.2 (Home Page)

The statistics on the number of families/insurees/policies/contributions and on the amount of contributions appears that are currently managed by the application before their uploading to the web IMIS. The statistics is split into two sections in the part for families and insurees: the total numbers including both newly entered families/groups and insurees and downloaded (from the web IMIS) families/groups and only families/groups and insurees downloaded for editing.

Clicking on the <three dots vertically> icon in the upper right corner the menu for selection of language of the user interface appears.

Image 1.1.3 (Menu for selection of a language)

Clicking on the <three bars horizontally> icon (the upper left corner of the Home Page) the main menu of the application appears.

Image 1.1.4 (Main menu of the application)

The menu items stand for the following functionalities:

Home – return to the Home Page

Enquire – getting a photo and information on the coverage of an insuree

Acquire – taking a photo of an insure

Enrol – entering or editing data on families/insurees and entering data on new policies and contributions

Modify – downloading data of families/insurees from the web IMIS

Control Numbers – acquiring of control numbers for electronic payments of contributions

Renew – renewing of policies

Feedback –providing a feedback on provided health care

Reports – providing reports relevant to activities of an enrolment officer

Synchronize – uploading data to the web IMIS

Quit –quitting of the application

About – info on the version of the installed application

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