Function Enrol
The function Enrol is navigated to by clicking on the menu item Enrol in the main menu. The function Enrol allows to enter data on new families/insurees/policies/contributions and/or modify data on families/insurees downloaded from the web IMIS. The Families Page appears immediately:
Image 1.4.1 (Families Page)
To add a new family click on the icon +. The Add new family Page appears.
Image 1.4.2 (Add new family Page)
The following data fields appear:
The region of residence of a new family/group. The data field is initialized by the region of activity of the enrolment officer in accordance with the register of enrolment officers in the web IMIS. Mandatory.
The district of the residence of the new family/group. The data field is initialized by the district of activity of the enrolment officer in accordance with the register of enrolment officers in the web IMIS. Mandatory.
The municipality of the residence of the new family/group. The data field is initialized by the municipality of activity of the enrolment officer in accordance with the register of enrolment officers in the web IMIS. If the enrolment officer is active in more municipalities of the district then the drop down list associated with the data field is modified accordingly. Mandatory.
The village of residence of the new family/group. The data field is initialized by the village of activity of the enrolment officer in accordance with the register of enrolment officers in the web IMIS. If the enrolment officer is active in more villages of the municipality then the drop down list associated with the data field is modified accordingly. Mandatory.
Poverty Status
Select one of the offered options from the drop down list associated with the data field. Optional.
Confirmation Type
Select one of the offered options for the type of confirmation document from the drop down list associated with the data field. Optional.
Confirmation No.
Enter an identification of a confirmation document. Optional.
Group Type.
Select one of the offered options for the type of the group from the drop down list associated with the data field. Optional.
Permanent Address Details.
Enter further details to the address of residence of the family/group. Optional.
Click on the button Next to navigate to the Add/Edit Insuree Page.
Image 1.4.3 (Add/Edit Insuree Page)
The following data fields appear:
Insurance Number
Either enter the insurance number of the head of the family/group or obtain the insurance number by scanning of a QR code by clicking on the QR button. Mandatory.
Other Names
Enter other names of the head of the family/group. Mandatory.
Last Name
nter a last name of the head of the family/group. Mandatory.
Photo area
Either previously acquired photo of the head of the family/group is inserted automatically based on the equality of the Insurance Number here and of the Insurance Number from the Acquire Page or tap in the photo area and choose a photo from your folder in the device. A photo must be assigned otherwise the family/group cannot be uploaded to the web IMIS. Mandatory.
Birth Date
Tap on the data field and select a birth date of the head of the family/group in the date selector. Mandatory.
Select the gender of the head of the family/group from the drop down list. Mandatory.
Marital Status
Select the marital status of the head of the family/group from the drop down list. Optional.
Beneficiary Card
Select from the drop down list whether a beneficiary card was given to the head of the family/group. Optional.
Current Region
Region of a current residence of the head of the family/group if it differs from the permanent residence. Optional.
Current District
District of a current residence of the head of the family/group if it differs from the permanent residence. Optional.
Current Municipality
Municipality of a current residence of the head of the family/group if it differs from the permanent residence. Optional.
Current Village
Village of a current residence of the head of the family/group if it differs from the permanent residence. Optional.
Current Address Details
Address details of a current residence of the head of the family/group if it differs from the permanent residence. Optional.
Select one of the offered options for profession of the head of the family/group. Optional.
Select one of the offered options for education of the head of the family/group. Optional.
Phone Number
Enter a phone number of the head of the family/group. Optional.
Enter an email of the head of the family/group. Optional.
Identification Type
Select one of the offered options for the type of an identity document of the head of the family/group. Optional.
Identification Number
Enter an identification of identity document of the head of the family/group. Optional.
Region of FSP
Region of a First Service Point of the head of the family/group. Optional.
District of FSP
District of the First Service Point of the head of the family/group. Optional.
Level of FSP
Select the level of a health facility that serves as the First Service Point of the head of the family/group. Optional.
First Service Point
Select the health facility that serves as the First Service Point of the head of the family/group. Optional.
Click on the button Save to save the data of the head of the family/group in the memory of the device. The Family and Insurees Page is displayed after a successful saving:
Image 1.4.4 (Family and Insurees Page)
There are four options now:
Editing or deleting of the head of family/group.
Adding a new family/group
Adding a new member to the family/group.
Assigning of a new policy to the family/group.
Editing or deleting of a family/group
By clicking on the icon <three vertical dots> with the head of the family/group in the Family and Insurees Page a menu appears with options of editing of the data of the head of the family or of deleting of the head of the family/group.
Image 1.4.5 (Family and Insurees Page-the menu associated with the head)
Selecting the item Delete an alert box appears saying that the head of a family/group cannot be deleted in this situation. This possible only in the context of the Families Page where it is considered as deleting of the whole family/group.
Selecting the item Edit the Add/Edit Insuree Page appears with the data of the head of a family/group that should be edited.
Image 1.4.6 (Add/Edit Insuree Page)
Click on the button Save to save the edited data of the head of the family/group in the memory of the local device. The Family and Insurees Page is displayed after a successful saving.
Adding a new family/group
Clicking on the <three bars horizontally> icon (the upper left corner of the Family and Insurees Page ) the main menu of the application appears. Select Enrol to navigate to the Families Page.
Image 1.4.7 (Families Page)
By clicking on the icon + in the Families Page the Add new family Page appears and a new head of a family/group can be added.
Adding a new member of a family/group
By clicking on the icon + in the Family and Insurees Page the Add/Edit Insuree Page appears and a new member of the family/group can be added.
Image 1.4.8 (Add/Edit Insuree Page)
The following data fields appear:
Select one of the offered relationships of the member to the head of the family/group. Mandatory.
Insurance Number
Either enter the insurance number of the member of the family/group or obtain the insurance number by scanning of a QR code by clicking on the QR button. Mandatory.
Other Names
Enter other names of the member of the family/group. Mandatory.
Last Name
Enter the last name of the member of the family/group. Mandatory.
Photo area
Either previously acquired photo of the member of the family/group is inserted automatically based on the equality of the Insurance Number here and of the Insurance Number from the Acquire Page or tap in the photo area and choose a photo from your folder in the device. A photo must be assigned otherwise the family/group cannot be uploaded to the web IMIS. Mandatory.
Birth Date
Tap on the data field and select a birth date of the member of the family/group in the date selector. Mandatory.
Select a gender of the member of the family/group from the drop down list. Mandatory.
Marital Status
Select the marital status of the member of the family/group from the drop down list. Optional.
Beneficiary Card
Select from the drop down list whether a beneficiary card was given to the member of the family/group. Optional.
Current Region
Region of a current residence of the member of the family/group if it differs from the permanent residence of the member of the family/group. Optional.
Current District
District of a current residence of the member of the family/group if it differs from the permanent residence of the member of the family/group. Optional.
Current Municipality
Municipality of a current residence of the member of the family/group if it differs from the permanent residence of the member of the family/group. Optional.
Current Village
Village of a current residence of the member of the family/group if it differs from the permanent residence of the member of the family/group. Optional.
Current Address Details
Address details of a current residence of the member of the family/group if it differs from the permanent residence of the member of the family/group. Optional.
Select one of the offered options for profession of the member of the family/group. Optional.
Select one of the offered options for education of the member of the family/group. Optional.
Phone Number
Enter a phone number of the member of the family/group. Optional.
Enter an email of the member of the family/group. Optional.
Identification Type
Select one of the offered options for the type of an identity document of the member of the family/group. Optional.
Identification Number
Enter an identification of identity document of the member of the family/group. Optional.
Region of FSP
Region of a First Service Point of the member of the family/group. Optional.
District of FSP
District of the First Service Point of the member of the family/group. Optional.
Level of FSP
Select the level of a health facility that serves as the First Service Point of the member of the family/group. Optional.
First Service Point
Select the health facility that serves as the First Service Point of the member of the family/group. Optional.
Click on the button Save to save the data on the member of the family/group in the memory of the device. The Family and Insurees Page is displayed after a successful saving:
Image 1.4.9 (Family and Insurees Page)
There are three options now:
a) Adding again a new member the family/group (just click on the icon + in the Family and Insurees Page).
b) Editing or deleting of a member (just click on the icon <three vertical dots> with a member in the Family and Insurees Page a menu appears with options of editing of the data of the member or of deleting of a member of the family/group.
Assigning a new policy to the family/group.
Assigning of a policy
By clicking on the button Policy the Family and Policies Page appears and a new policy can by assigned to the family/group.
Image 1.4.10 (Family and Policies Page)
Click on the icon + to navigate to the Add/Edit Policies Page:
Image 1.4.11 (Add/Edit Policies Page)
The following data fields appear:
Enrolment Date
Tap on the data field and select an enrolment date for the policy in the date selector. Mandatory.
Select one of the offered insurance products for the policy. Mandatory.
Effective date
Read-only calculated data field. Contains the date of effective starting of the policy taking into account all features of the selected insurance products and the date of payment of a contribution.
Start Date
Assumed starting date of the policy without taking into account the date of payment of the contribution. Calculated data field based on the enrolment date and the selected insurance product that can be modified. Mandatory.
Expiry Date
Assumed expiry date of the policy without taking into account the date of payment of the contribution. Calculated data field based on the starting date and the selected insurance product that can be modified. Mandatory.
Policy Status
Read-only data field. Assigned policy status on the device. Actual policy status can change in the web IMIS after uploading.
Policy Value
Read-only data field. Calculated policy value that should be covered by contributions.
Read-only data field. Calculated value of already assigned contributions.
Read-only data field. Calculated value of the balance Policy Value - Contribution
Click on the button Save to save the data on the policy in the memory of the device. The Family and Policies Page is displayed after a successful saving.
Image 1.4.12 (Family and Policies Page)
There are three options now:
a) Assigning a new policy to the family/group (just by clicking on the icon + in the Family and Policies Page the Add/Edit Policy Page appears and the new policy can be assigned).
Editing or deleting of the policy.
Assigning a new contribution to the policy.
Editing or deleting of a policy
By clicking on the icon <three vertical dots> with the policy in the Family and Policies Page a menu appears with options of editing of the data of the policy or of deleting of the policy.
Image 1.4.13 (Families and Policies Page-the menu associated with the policy)
By selecting Edit the Add/Edit Policy Page appears and the data of the policy can be edited. By selecting Delete the Confirmation Box appears that asks for a confirmation of the deleting. Deleting a policy means also deleting of all contributions associated with the policy.
Image 1.4.14 (Families and Policies Page-confirmation of deleting)
The Family and Policies Page is displayed after a successful deleting.
Assigning of a new contribution to the policy
By clicking on the icon <three vertical dots> with the policy in the Family and Policies Page a menu appears with options of editing of the data of the policy, of deleting of the policy and assigning a contribution (Payment). Select Payment. The Contribution Page appears:
Image 1.4.15 (Contribution Page)
Click on the + icon to add a new contribution. The Add/Edit Contribution Page appears with the following data fields:
Image 1.4.16 (Add/Edit Contribution Page)
Either leave it blank or select one of the offered payers of the contribution. Optional.
Contribution Category
Select one of the offered categories for the contribution. Mandatory.
Contribution Paid
The amount of the contribution. If the Contribution and Others is selected in the data field Contribution Category then the data field Contribution Paid is prefilled by the amount still to be paid to reach the policy value. Mandatory.
Receipt No
An identification of the receipt issued for the paid contribution. Mandatory.
Payment Date
Tap on the data field and select a payment date of the contribution in the date selector. Mandatory.
Payment Type
Select one of the offered types of payment of the contribution. Mandatory.
Policy Status
Read-only data field. Assigned policy status in the device. Actual policy status can change in the web IMIS after uploading.
Policy Value
Read-only data field. Calculated policy value that should be covered by contributions.
Read-only data field. Calculated value of already assigned contributions.
Read-only data field. Calculated value of the balance Policy Value – Contribution
Click on the button Save to save the data on the contribution in the memory of the device. The Contribution Page is displayed after a successful saving:
Image 1.4.17 (Contribution Page)
There are three options now:
a) Assigning a new contribution to the same policy (just by clicking on the icon + the Add/Edit Contribution Page appears and a new contribution can be added)
Editing or deleting of the contribution.
Adding of a new family or editing existing ones.
Editing or deleting of the contribution
By clicking on the icon <three vertical dots> with the contribution in the Contribution Page a menu appears with options of editing of the data of the contribution and of deleting of the contribution.
Image 1.4.18 (Contribution Page-the menu associated with the contribution)
By selecting Edit the Add/Edit Contribution Page appears and the data of the contribution can be edited. By selecting Delete the contribution is deleted without a confirmation prompt.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.