Function Synchronize
The function Synchronize is navigated to by clicking on the menu item Synchronize in the main menu. The function Synchronize uploads posted enrolments/renewals/feedbacks to the web IMIS. For on-line uploading a user must have a valid User Name and Password provided by an administrator of the web IMIS with an assigned role incorporating an access to the functionality Insurees and Familiies/Family +Insuree+Policy+Contribution/Add+Edit as an access to the functionality Synchronize is guarded by the Login Page for on-line uploads.
The Synchronize Page appears immediately:
Image 1.10.1 (Synchronize Page)
Clicking on any of the buttons Upload Enrolments, Upload Renewals, Upload Feedbacks the Login Page appears.
Image 1.10.2 (Synchronize Page – Login Page)
If the application successfully logs in the Synchronize Page appears again with the following buttons:
Upload Enrolments
Uploads all enrolments including policies/contributions that haven’t been uploaded yet. It is required that each uploaded insuree has to have a foto associated with him/her.
Upload Renewals
Uploads all renewals that haven’t been uploaded yet.
Upload Feedbacks
Uploads all feedbacks that haven’t been uploaded yet.
Download Master
Updates the master data in the device from the web IMIS. This update doesn’t require a login; nevertheless after the update entering of the enrolment officer code is required.
Another buttons in the Synchronize Page relate to the off-line mode of the application and they are described elsewhere.
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