Welcome to openIMIS

As an open source initiative, openIMIS is constantly seeking to expand its community of software developers. Whatever your platform - Python, Java, or ReactJS - you will find something worth tackling in the issue queue. The openIMIS tool allows you to re-use and build upon existing workflows, relieving you from having to reinvent the wheel or taking time away from building better solutions for your clients.

We welcome you to join the Developers Committee and look at what we have done, use or re-use existing code, build on it, and share your expertise and experiences with others. The openIMIS Developers Committee will not only benefit your own work, but will also allow your contributions to live on beyond your own project scope.

Why join?

Joining the openIMIS initiative brings a number of advantages, both for us and for you: 

Earn money

A number of international organisations fund software development for global goods. Keep monitoring our Opportunities Page to keep up with new funding opportunities. Having a strong community behind you will also help you uncover your own funding opportunities.

Upgrade your developer skills

We are constantly monitoring current trends and standards in IT to choose the most robust frameworks for the openIMIS core. Learn from others with more experience and profit from a culture of sharing.

Be part of the global eHealth and Social Protection community

The openIMIS Initiative works closely with other international organisations and governments to integrate and improve existing eHealth and Social Protection infrastructures. Acquire experience in interoperability standards like HL7 FHIR and learn about other global goods in the eHealth and Social Protection ecosystems.

Get a practical taste of the health financing and social protection business.

openIMIS comes from the heart of real-world health financing and social protection scenarios. Given the increasing global importance of Universal Health Coverage and universal social protection, openIMIS has become THE open-source tool for anyone seeking to implement these programs.

Brush up your CV

If you are a student or young professional, you need practical experience to show off your skills to future employers. While we do not provide certificates, your publicly visible code repositories on GitHub or your contributions to our wiki will provide ample proof of your achievements. You can, of course, choose to work under an alias.

How do I get started?

As an independent developer:

As a member of the Developers Committee:

For more on how you can engage with the openIMIS community as a developer, please visit our wiki.