Locations & Health Facilities module scope

Locations & Health Facilities module scope

This section summarizes the features in scope of the Locations & Health Facilities module.

  • it naturally references the current openIMIS documentation (the Web application user guide)

  • provides some refinements deduced from current code readings

  • lists taken hypothesis (whenever ambiguity or incomplete description was encountered) and attention points

The Locations & Health Facilities module is dedicated to manage geographical decomposition of the country implementing openIMIS (regions, districts,...) as well as the registration of the various types of Health Facilities within the geographical decomposition.

The new module will replace the existing features and pages described in Location Administration and Health Facilities Administration user guide sections.

Out Of Scope

The existing (XML) import/export features won't be rewritten as a feature of the Locations & Health Facilities module. The preferred solution to import/export Locations and Health Facilities is the FHIR API.

Access rights

The Locations and Health Facilities are managed by IMIS Administrators (rights 121101 and 121901)

Other IT systems integration

openIMIS provides upload/download health facilities and locations features via the 'Registers' menu entry. This feature is not considered as part of the module scope: it will remain unchanged and accessible from the new openIMIS platform.

The new openIMIS platform provides, from the start, a FHIR-compatible api for the Locations (which, in FHIR terminology includes Health Facilities).

This api is implemented in a dedicated (distinct) module. However, to ensure business logic coherence, that module relies on the services provided by the here-described claim module.

Locations Management

Add Region / District / Municipality / Village (and attach to level +1)


  • locations consist of a code and a name and are attached to level +1

  • at village level, one can enter the number of male/female/others/families

Edit a Region / District / Municipality / Village

Changing the code/name (or male/female/other/families counts for village).

Note: moving a location (changing from parent) is performed as a separate operation

Move a Region / District / Municipality / Village

Ability to change the parent of a location(logic within - uspMoveLocation stored procedure)


Ability to delete a location.

Note: entity is not really deleted: its "validity to" is set to 'now', so the location don't appear in selection lists,... anymore

Health Facilities Management

Add a Health Facility

... attaching it to a district, price list,...

Note: the health facility also records 'catchment' information at village level

Edit a Health Facility

Modifying any of the initially entered information


Ability to delete a health facility.

Note: entity is not really deleted: its "validity to" is set to 'now', so the location don't appear in selection lists,... anymore