Report module
Repositories | Backend | GitHub - openimis/openimis-be-report_py: The openIMIS Backend Reporting reference module. |
| Frontend | There is no frontend module for reports |
Dependencies | Backend |
The openIMIS report module provides the core functionality of the reports but does not actually implement the reports. According to the modularity principles, each module is able to provide his own reports.
The reports are based on the ReportBro engine and are able to produce PDF files as well as XLSX (Microsoft Excel). The report templates can be visually edited in openIMIS to customize them.
The report backend module exposes the necessary API to list available reports, execute and edit them. Each report can have its own filters. This means that the openIMIS report module is generally not able to run all reports without some frontend customization. Just like in the backend, of course, each module can provide the specific requirements for its own reports.
Since the reports are running native code on the server with full access to the data, it is not possible to create a report entirely from the user interface.
Creating a report
Backend module
Report definitions
The starting point of the report module is the <app>/ file that contains the list of available reports with their configuration:
report_definitions = [
"name": "insuree_family_overview",
"engine": 0,
"default_report": insuree_family_overview.template,
"description": "Simple claim report",
"module": "insuree",
"python_query": insuree_family_overview_query,
"permission": ["131215"],
"name": "enrolled_families",
"engine": 0,
"default_report": enrolled_families.template,
"description": "Enrolled families",
"module": "insuree",
"python_query": enrolled_families_query,
"permission": ["131215"],
name | Name of the report that will be exposed |
engine | 0 for ReportBro, this is currently the only engine available |
default_report | This specifies the report template to use when there is no local customization yet. This can be a simple string but we recommend to load that definition from a dedicated file |
description | Human readable description of the report |
module | The reports are exposed within a module, this should be the same as the current module name. |
python_query | A report needs data. This specifies the Python function to be called to fetch the data and present it in the format required by the report template. |
permission | This is an array of permissions that allow to run the report. They are exactly the same as in the various other features of the application. |
Data fetching function
The above examples use two versions of the same report, one using the stored procedure, the other using native Python code.
The native function looks like this:
def insuree_family_overview_query(user, date_from=None, date_to=None, **kwargs):
if date_from:
filters &= Q(validity_from__gte=date_from)
queryset = (
return {"data": list(queryset)}
The function will always get the logged user as first parameter. All subsequent parameters are named and optional. Their names correspond to the expected report parameters. Adding **kwargs allows the function to receive additional parameters without crashing and should be kept.
⚠️ The parameters are passed in the URL and have to be thoroughly checked before use. Passing them directly to the database could be a security issue.
This abstract shows that we’re filtering according to the parameters and then the query is run. The function returns a dictionary that will be passed to the template.
Keep in mind that ReportBro has limited support for data types. Passing complex objects in this dictionary might not be supported in the template. Refer to the ReportBro documentation and test the data in the Designer.
Alternatively, existing stored procedures can also be wrapped into reports like our second example:
from import run_stored_proc_report
def enrolled_families_query(user, date_from=None, date_to=None, location_id=None, **kwargs):
data = run_stored_proc_report(
return {
"data": data
The parameters are the same but the run_stored_proc_report will call the specified stored procedure, converting the location_id
parameter to LocationId
for the stored procedure. The data returned by the procedure is passed as an array of dict. Using this method, the report template variables have to match the stored procedure output column names.
Backend API
The first GraphQL API allows to browse the available reports:
query useReportsQuery {
reports {
Running the actual report is a direct HTTP call:
/api/report/ | branches to the report module |
insuree | name of the module containing the report that we want to run |
enrolled_families | name of the report |
format of the report, could be xlsx | |
?date_from=2022-01-01 | report parameter |
ReportBro template
The openIMIS Web interface includes the ReportBro Designer. To create a new report template, the easiest is to use that Designer and then to use the button to output the template to the browser console:
Here are some screenshots of the ReportBro Designer:
As described above, the logic for the parameters of reports can vary greatly and are therefore left for the frontend to handle.
First of all, the index.js should contain the report definition:
"translations": [{ key: "en", messages: messages_en }],
"reducers": [{ key: "insuree", reducer }],
"reports": [
key: "insuree_family_overview",
component: InsureeFamilyOverviewReport,
isValid: (values) => values.dateFrom && values.dateTo,
getParams: (values) => ({
dateFrom: values.dateFrom,
dateTo: values.dateTo,
The definition is pretty self-explanatory with the report key corresponding to the backend report key, isValid for required parameters, getParams that formats the parameters to send to the backend.
Here is the example of the report component that puts it together:
const InsureeFamilyOverviewReport = (props) => {
const { values, setValues } = props;
return (
<Grid container direction="column" spacing={1}>
<Grid item>
onChange={(dateFrom) => setValues({ ...values, dateFrom })}
<Grid item>
onChange={(dateTo) => setValues({ ...values, dateTo })}
export default InsureeFamilyOverviewReport;
Reports migration
Status | Technical name | French | Parameters |
| Policies - Primary Operational Indicators | Indicateurs opérationnels principaux - polices | Year/Quarter/Month | Region/District | Product |
| Claims - Primary Operational Indicators | Indicateurs opérationnels primaires-prestation | Year/Quarter/Month | Region/District | Product | HF Code |
| Product - Derived Operational Indicators | Indicateurs opérationnels dérivés | Year/Quarter/Month | Region/District | Product | HF Code |
| Contributions - Collection | Collecte de cotisations | Date range | Region/District | Product | Payment Type |
| Products - Sales | Vente des produits | Date range | Region/District | Product |
| Contributions - Distribution | Distribution des cotisations | Year/Month | Region/District | Product |
| Admin - User Activity Report | Rapport d'activité de I'utilisateur | Date range | Username | Action | Entity |
| Enrolment Performance Indicators | Indicateurs de performance des affiliations | Year/Quarter/Month | Region/District | Product |
| Admin - Status of Registers | Situation des registres | Region/District |
| Insurees - Missing Photos | Assurés sans photos | Region/District | Agent |
| Payments - Category Overview | Apercu de la catégorie de paiement | Date range | Region/District | Product |
| Contributions - Matching Funds | Subventions | Date range | Region/District | Payer | Previous |
| Claims - Overview | Aperçu de la prestation | Date range | Region/District | Product | HF Code | Catchment Area | Claim Status |
| Policies - Percentage of Referrals | Pourcentage de référencement | Date range | Region/District |
| Insurees - Overview with Families | Apercu des familles et assurés | Date range | Region/District/Muni/Village | Status (Active/suspended) |
| Insurees - Pending enrolment | Assuré(e)s en attente | Date range | Region/District | Enrollment Officer |
| Policies - Renewals | Renouvellements | Date range | Region/District | Product | Enrollment Agent | Sorting |
| Insuree - Rejected Photos | Photos rejeté | Date range |
| Contributions - Payment | Payement de contribution | Date range | Region/District | Product | CN | Payment status |
| Payments - Control Number Assignment | Assignement du N° de contréle | Date range | Region/District | Submission status | Assignment status |
| Contributions - Overview Of Commissions | Synthése des Commissions | Year/Month | Region/District | Product | Payer | Enrollment Officer | Mode (cont paid/requested) | Commission level | Scope |
| Claims - History Report | Rapport d'historique des prestations | Date range | Region/District | Product | HF Code | Catchment Area | Claim Status | Insurance Number |
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