Creating module Release

Creating module Release

When you want to create a new release please follow the below steps (the newest changes need to be placed on the develop branch):

  1. create a release branch

    1. If you using the git flow addon you can execute:

      git flow release start {version}

      , where {version} is the value of the new module version

    2. If not create the release branch  manually based on the develop branch (name convention "release/v{version}", where {version} is the value of the new module version)

  2. adapt the openimis-be-api_fhir_py/setup.py to (at least) bump version number (e.g. 1.2.3)

  3. commit and push all new changes

  4. merge release branch and create a Github release tag:

    1. If you using the git flow addon then you can execute the following:

      git flow release finish git push --tags

      And make sure that master and develop branches are pushed to a remote server 

    2. If not you need to create tag manually:

      git tag -a v1.2.3 -m "v1.2.3" git push --tags

      And then you need to merge the release branch into master and develop

  5. Checkout to the master branch

  6. Publish a new module version on python repository (https://pypi.org/)

    1. Make sure you use the right python environment if you use virtual environments

    2. Make sure you have an account on https://pypi.org/

    3. Execute the following:

    4. You can check if the module is built successfully 

      , where {version} is the value of the new module version

    5. Publish the latest version:

      , where {version} is the value of the new module version

    6. If successfully the latest version should be available here: https://pypi.org/project/openimis-be-api-fhir/#history

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