Integrated Case Data Exchange - IBR-029

Integrated Case Data Exchange - IBR-029

Program Architecture Layer

Integration Layer

Capability Area

Interoperability and Integration


Case Management Inteface

Level of Importance




Social Protection Delivery Chain Stage


Requirement Description

IBR ideally should provide Integrated Case Data Exchange capabilities to allow external case management systems to access and update integrated beneficiary data across multiple programs.


While basic IBR implementations may initially focus on establishing core beneficiary data management and benefit tracking, Integrated Case Data Exchange is a Highly Recommended Optional function for systems aiming for more advanced, person-centered social protection. In the early phases, simpler data sharing mechanisms might suffice. However, as social protection approaches evolve towards more holistic and integrated service delivery models that emphasize case management, this function becomes increasingly valuable, if not essential, for enabling coordinated, efficient, and beneficiary-centric service delivery. Therefore, while not a core component for basic IBR operation, Integrated Case Data Exchange should be considered a Medium to High Priority enhancement for systems with case management as a key service delivery strategy and should be planned for in the IBR development roadmap.

Use Case

Provide APIs for external case management systems to access and update integrated beneficiary data across multiple programs.

Data Elements Required

Beneficiary ID, Case Management Data, Update Logs

Minimum Technical Specifications

  • Interface: REST API as an example interface to access and update integrated beneficiary data.

  • Authentication: Basic API key-based authentication.

  • Data Format: JSON for data exchange.

Standard Technical Specifications

  • Interface: GraphQL as an example interface for more efficient queries.

  • Authentication: OAuth 2.0 with role-based access control.

  • Data Format: JSON-LD for enhanced data semantics.

Advanced Technical Specifications

  • Interface: Federated GraphQL as an example interface for seamless multi-system integration.

  • Authentication: Zero-trust security model with advanced encryption and multifactor authentication (MFA).

  • Data Format: RDF for richer data relationships and interoperability.

Security & Privacy Requirements

Secure interface access for case data, role-based authentication.

Scalability Considerations

Use of federated GraphQL for scalable data exchange across systems.

Interoperability Requirements

Integration with external case management systems via secure API.

Compliance with International Standards

Compliance with GDPR for integrated case management data.

User Interface Requirements

Case management UI for program administrators with update options.


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