Enhancement proposal

Enhancement proposal

Permissions for mobile application

Currently all users can access mobile app, we can enhance this and validate also user permission so only inspectors and admin users can log in to the mobile app. Estimation: 10MD

Tasks/maker checker logic for vouchers ( and possibly other funcionalities)

It is possible to apply maker/checker logic for buying voucher. This functionality allows some group of user to approve data changes and uploads. So it can be applied to existing functions like add/edit worker, buy/edit voucher. Estimation 35MD

Improved calendar view

Currently for voucher we can only select separate start and end dates. We could improve this view by adding possiblity to select range of dates in single calendar pop-up. Additionally it would be possible to disable weekends/public holidays, by checkbox or just providing number of days. Possibly on adjusted calendar view we can show selected worker availablity. 30MD

Example view

Define new roles

We can additional roles except inspector/employer/admin like voucher/worker manager or add access for employees 20MD

Dashboards with data

Add additional managable dashboards with data visualization. For example how many voucher were bought/expired/used per worker, how many voucher were bought per employer etc. Estimation 35MD


Example report from other system

Voucher count

Currently employer have to count manually how many vouchers he has left to assign. We can adjust the voucher assignment page so it shows count how many unassigned vouchers he has left. Estimation 10MD

FAQ page

We can create new page with frequently asked question for user, currently question mark button is having no use. Estimation 8 MD

Worker phone number

Enhance worker entity, so phone number field is visible for employer and inspector.

Estimation 15MD

Voucher printing

Currently voucher printing is by using printing funcionality from browser. We can add separate print button to print dedicated voucher pdf file. Estimation 20 MD

Payments list

As an enchancement we can have payments/invoices list on openIMIS side so employers have all information in one system and it would be more accessable than looking for it in other mSystems.

Estimation 30 MD


Example view from other implenmentation

Redirection after acquiring vouchers

Currently user stays on the page after acquiring the vouchers, it would be more intuitive if user would be redirected to vouchers list page. Estimation 3MD

Page language picker

Currently user has to manually change language in user his user profile. More user friendly approach is picker on the top of the page that would be changing language dynamically.

Estimation 30MD

Improve accessibility

Adjust accessibility of crucial pages, so it mets WCAG requirements.

Estimation 40-50MD

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