OWASP A07:2021 – Identification and Authentication Failures
Confirmation of the user's identity, authentication, and session management is critical to protect against authentication-related attacks. There may be authentication weaknesses if the application:
Permits automated attacks such as credential stuffing, where the attacker has a list of valid usernames and passwords.
Permits brute force or other automated attacks.
Permits default, weak, or well-known passwords, such as "Password1" or "admin/admin".
Uses weak or ineffective credential recovery and forgot-password processes, such as "knowledge-based answers," which cannot be made safe.
Uses plain text, encrypted, or weakly hashed passwords data stores (see A02:2021-Cryptographic Failures).
Has missing or ineffective multi-factor authentication.
Exposes session identifier in the URL.
Reuse session identifier after successful login.
Does not correctly invalidate Session IDs. User sessions or authentication tokens (mainly single sign-on (SSO) tokens) aren't properly invalidated during logout or a period of inactivity.
Further Reading
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